Cuddelink 2020 GEN 2 version

John - Has any testing be done with Rechargeable D batteries for the new J-series? I've recently tried two different brands with the same results.... The batteries drop to just a little over 1000 MaH (out of the potential 8 - 10k) per D battery within a day based on the DL field being returned on the pictures. I had used the charging cables provided with the solar chargers but something doesn't add up. I'm wondering if the batteries are not charging to their full potential via the Cuddeback charging port versus an external charger?

Any thoughts?
John - Has any testing be done with Rechargeable D batteries for the new J-series? I've recently tried two different brands with the same results.... The batteries drop to just a little over 1000 MaH (out of the potential 8 - 10k) per D battery within a day based on the DL field being returned on the pictures. I had used the charging cables provided with the solar chargers but something doesn't add up. I'm wondering if the batteries are not charging to their full potential via the Cuddeback charging port versus an external charger?

Any thoughts?
if you are trying to run 4 D rechargeables in a J here isnt enough power to work it properly wit 6 volts in rechargeable , you need to either put the new 3600 panel with internal rechargables with alkaline internals as back up , or put a 12aa battery pack on the camera with rechargeables and plug the old panel in to the camera.
if you are trying to run 4 D rechargeables in a J here isnt enough power to work it properly wit 6 volts in rechargeable , you need to either put the new 3600 panel with internal rechargables with alkaline internals as back up , or put a 12aa battery pack on the camera with rechargeables and plug the old panel in to the camera.

John - Can you point me to the part number for the 12AA battery pack or where I can order them?
John - Can you point me to the part number for the 12AA battery pack or where I can order them?
there isnt a part # as they dont sell them separately but you can probably find someone trying to get rid of them ,i just threw away 6 of them myself since i converted a bunch of Js to d cell myself. if you can call cuddeback they may have some they can send you. with the new 3600 solar coming soon there wont be a need, the 12aa J cameras will be eventually discontinued , most likely by the end of this year they will all be gone.
So I'm a little confused about the push toward D batteries if there is no way to recharge them via solar? I understand the desire to run alkaline D batteries in locations with little or no sun but for many of us running solar is every bit a part of the ability to not disturb the hunting location as the Cuddelink tech itself. I guess the internal D's and 3600 solar is intended to give us the best of both worlds?

What's the ETA on the 3600 solar chargers?
So I'm a little confused about the push toward D batteries if there is no way to recharge them via solar? I understand the desire to run alkaline D batteries in locations with little or no sun but for many of us running solar is every bit a part of the ability to not disturb the hunting location as the Cuddelink tech itself. I guess the internal D's and 3600 solar is intended to give us the best of both worlds?

What's the ETA on the 3600 solar chargers?
the 3600 solar panel has internal rechargeables which allow the internal d's in the camera to act as back up. this greatly improves the performance and reliability of the system. Im not sure of an exact ETA on the 3600 but it was scheduled to arrive in april or may .
So I'm a little confused about the push toward D batteries if there is no way to recharge them via solar? I understand the desire to run alkaline D batteries in locations with little or no sun but for many of us running solar is every bit a part of the ability to not disturb the hunting location as the Cuddelink tech itself. I guess the internal D's and 3600 solar is intended to give us the best of both worlds?

What's the ETA on the 3600 solar chargers?
If you have rechargeable Ds why not get a 3495 for your camera. It use 6 Ds. I have one of my Ks on solar with 6 rechargeable Ds.
Hey John- I did the fw update without any issues on one set of cams, going to update the next set this afternoon.
I left my previous f/w to 7.6 in order to utilize the fap function. With 8.0 I'm seeing the options for D/delay & N/delay, 5s, 10s, 15s etc. I would like the littlest delay possible. Does the off setting turn off the delay(fap style) or stop the cam from snapping pics in that mode completely? I have been setting them to 5s delay because I was unsure of the off option. Thanks again for your input/advice!
Hey John- I did the fw update without any issues on one set of cams, going to update the next set this afternoon.
I left my previous f/w to 7.6 in order to utilize the fap function. With 8.0 I'm seeing the options for D/delay & N/delay, 5s, 10s, 15s etc. I would like the littlest delay possible. Does the off setting turn off the delay(fap style) or stop the cam from snapping pics in that mode completely? I have been setting them to 5s delay because I was unsure of the off option. Thanks again for your input/advice!
5 seconds is the shortest delay, "off" wont allow the camera to take any pics at all, unless you enable time lapse.
we just cant get the link function to work at less than 5 seconds. I know there are some that want FAP and burst , someday we may get there.. but for now 5 seconds is the shortest we can insure pics are all transmitted.
yes that is what i was referring to. Gen 2 is only useful for the most part when you re running a cellular home unit. i must have missed the part where you asked about the SD home unit(what it is now called)
Gen 2 does allow for increasing a network to 24 cameras and also increases the transmission speed form 1000 images per day to 1500 images per day under optimum conditions so those using the 1385 can still benefit by updating their units to 8.0.

I read through most of the 208 pages of the previous message board (sure appreciate all the wisdom and cheap entertainment). This is my first post. I've been running a system about a week and it's been great.

Running a CuddeLink Camera (G-5055) with a DPB (using Duracell Procell alkalines in both banks) and a CuddeLink Home (G-1385), next to my home computer, with Duracells as backup and a Custom Enteprises power cord. The camera is about 200 yds away with a link level (through walls) of about 42-48. I pull the Home card to see thumbnail pix on the computer.

Was really excited about gen 2 and the ability to access commands/setups of the camera remotely until I saw this post. I had hoped I could plug my computer into the Home's mini USB to get access to this new capability but it appears that such is not the case. Any idea if this is planned for us non-cell users John? Is there any USB access to the CuddeLink Home or Camera?
I read through most of the 208 pages of the previous message board (sure appreciate all the wisdom and cheap entertainment). This is my first post. I've been running a system about a week and it's been great.

Running a CuddeLink Camera (G-5055) with a DPB (using Duracell Procell alkalines in both banks) and a CuddeLink Home (G-1385), next to my home computer, with Duracells as backup and a Custom Enteprises power cord. The camera is about 200 yds away with a link level (through walls) of about 42-48. I pull the Home card to see thumbnail pix on the computer.

Was really excited about gen 2 and the ability to access commands/setups of the camera remotely until I saw this post. I had hoped I could plug my computer into the Home's mini USB to get access to this new capability but it appears that such is not the case. Any idea if this is planned for us non-cell users John? Is there any USB access to the CuddeLink Home or Camera?
at this point this isnt going to happen anytime soon, there has been multiple attempts to get something like this working and to date they cant get it to reliably work and be consumer friendly.
Just getting enough existing product to fill demand for the busy season this year is going to be a challenge with what is going on in the world. It is worth updating to Gen 2 even on your existing system since it will make it faster and more efficient, so go ahead and update both units when you get the chance.
yes that is what i was referring to. Gen 2 is only useful for the most part when you re running a cellular home unit. i must have missed the part where you asked about the SD home unit(what it is now called)
Gen 2 does allow for increasing a network to 24 cameras and also increases the transmission speed form 1000 images per day to 1500 images per day under optimum conditions so those using the 1385 can still benefit by updating their units to 8.0.

I read through most of the 208 pages of the previous message board (sure appreciate all the wisdom and cheap entertainment). This is my first post. I've been running a system about a week and it's been great.

Running a CuddeLink Camera (G-5055) with a DPB (using Duracell Procell alkalines in both banks) and a CuddeLink Home (G-1385), next to my home computer, with Duracells as backup and a Custom Enteprises power cord. The camera is about 200 yds away with a link level (through walls) of about 42-48. I pull the Home card to see thumbnail pix on the computer.

Was really excited about gen 2 and the ability to access commands/setups of the camera remotely until I saw this post. I had hoped I could plug my computer into the Home's mini USB to get access to this new capability but it appears that such is not the case. Any idea if this is planned for us non-cell users John? Is there any USB access to the CuddeLink Home or Camera?
I'm totally with you there! I hate paying for a plan when I have a home unit right next to me. I have a question on time-lapse. With turkey season almost here I like to put a few cameras on fields with the time-lapse just going for a few hours in the morning. Since we only hunt until 1:00 in Missouri. Can you set them on anything other than all day or night? I don't want pictures every five or ten minutes all day.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
I read through most of the 208 pages of the previous message board (sure appreciate all the wisdom and cheap entertainment). This is my first post. I've been running a system about a week and it's been great.

Running a CuddeLink Camera (G-5055) with a DPB (using Duracell Procell alkalines in both banks) and a CuddeLink Home (G-1385), next to my home computer, with Duracells as backup and a Custom Enteprises power cord. The camera is about 200 yds away with a link level (through walls) of about 42-48. I pull the Home card to see thumbnail pix on the computer.

Was really excited about gen 2 and the ability to access commands/setups of the camera remotely until I saw this post. I had hoped I could plug my computer into the Home's mini USB to get access to this new capability but it appears that such is not the case. Any idea if this is planned for us non-cell users John? Is there any USB access to the CuddeLink Home or Camera?

I know that John has responded to you already, but I just wanted to point out something of interest from the other Cuddeback thread. There is supposedly a way to make your SD card connect to the home wifi, and by creating a home network, access your images from a computer connected to said wifi. Check out post #1750 from this thread: I have no idea if this works, but if you do get it to work, please let me know. I purchased a home unit with the explicit intent of doing exactly what you are trying to do.

I know John and Cuddeback in general are trying their best to innovate a very technical system and I am sure it is exhausting being pulled in so many directions. If and when they get a system like this up and running, I will continue to support them with my wallet.
I'm totally with you there! I hate paying for a plan when I have a home unit right next to me. I have a question on time-lapse. With turkey season almost here I like to put a few cameras on fields with the time-lapse just going for a few hours in the morning. Since we only hunt until 1:00 in Missouri. Can you set them on anything other than all day or night? I don't want pictures every five or ten minutes all day.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
there is a new feature in 8.0 gen 2 called "prime time". this allows you to run time lapse for the first and last 1,2 or 3 hours of the day and set the interval how you want it.
I think it will Handle any 12 volt battery which most are slightly above 12 volts. It meters to down to 9 volts I believe
9 volts is great for the old J series and the k series but I have a couple of new j series that take 4 d batteries I assume they take 6 v power so will the new 12v power cord work with 6 v or will it blow camera up
9 volts is great for the old J series and the k series but I have a couple of new j series that take 4 d batteries I assume they take 6 v power so will the new 12v power cord work with 6 v or will it blow camera up
9 volts is great for the old J series and the k series but I have a couple of new j series that take 4 d batteries I assume they take 6 v power so will the new 12v power cord work with 6 v or will it blow camera up
The 12 volt cord meters down to 9 volts. Any cuddelink camera can run on 9 volts, all of the battery accessory units are 9 volts. When running 6 volts in the internal and 9v on the external the camera will denote on the report which source its drawing from and you will get better, longer performance from your batteries.
9 volts is great for the old J series and the k series but I have a couple of new j series that take 4 d batteries I assume they take 6 v power so will the new 12v power cord work with 6 v or will it blow camera up
9 volts is great for the old J series and the k series but I have a couple of new j series that take 4 d batteries I assume they take 6 v power so will the new 12v power cord work with 6 v or will it blow camera up
The 12 volt cord meters down to 9 volts. Any cuddelink camera can run on 9 volts, all of the battery accessory units are 9 volts. When running 6 volts in the internal and 9v on the external the camera will denote on the report which source its drawing from and you will get better, longer performance from your batteries.
The 12 volt cord meters down to 9 volts. Any cuddelink camera can run on 9 volts, all of the battery accessory units are 9 volts. When running 6 volts in the internal and 9v on the external the camera will denote on the report which source its drawing from and you will get better, longer performance from your batteries.
ok great thank you so the new j series can run off of a six volt external battery also or not
I know that John has responded to you already, but I just wanted to point out something of interest from the other Cuddeback thread. There is supposedly a way to make your SD card connect to the home wifi, and by creating a home network, access your images from a computer connected to said wifi. Check out post #1750 from this thread: I have no idea if this works, but if you do get it to work, please let me know. I purchased a home unit with the explicit intent of doing exactly what you are trying to do.

I know John and Cuddeback in general are trying their best to innovate a very technical system and I am sure it is exhausting being pulled in so many directions. If and when they get a system like this up and running, I will continue to support them with my wallet.

Kinda new to this--tried to pose a question to H80Hunter with Hoytvectrix on this. Looks like a WiFi capable SD card would work perfectly for me (never heard of these before). Should be able to WiFi thumbnails from my CuddeLink Home node across the room to my computer. Lots of these cards out there. Would like to know what card H80Hunter used.
ok great thank you so the new j series can run off of a six volt external battery also or not
it could but you wont see it on the report, you are better off running 9 volt for your external,