Crabapple timeline

Generally - but we also have a number of food plots, so it's hard to tell. The plots are scattered out, so keeping track of deer out of sight is near impossible. But the apple trees sure do get traffic. I think the smell of them draws deer from surrounding land we might not have around otherwise.
There seems to be less does and fawns on my place this year, and it is surprising with the new and older seeding alfalfa that is here. More does and fawns are on an adjacent section and on the bean fields.

A sow and three young cubs could have moved them off during fawning season.

We have shot quite a few does over the last few years, as well.
There seems to be less does and fawns on my place this year, and it is surprising with the new and older seeding alfalfa that is here. More does and fawns are on an adjacent section and on the bean fields.

A sow and three young cubs could have moved them off during fawning season.

We have shot quite a few does over the last few years, as well.
We seem to have good numbers of does with fawns around camp. A few members have cams out in various spots, and they show most does with twins - but a few with triplets. Cams also pick up sow bears with 2 cubs, and 1 sow with 3. I'd be in favor of transporting all our bears to Maine or Canada. Too destructive. We had a bear pull down some limbs on one of our Dolgo crabs last year. Luckily, it was the first one we planted at camp, and it was big enough to survive and push up new growth. Tree was about 16 ft. tall with a 3 1/2" diameter trunk. It should be OK.

Glad to hear you have does around after those lean times a few years back. I remember when you and Stu were on the warpath with low numbers. Good to hear numbers are up for you.
We seem to have good numbers of does with fawns around camp. A few members have cams out in various spots, and they show most does with twins - but a few with triplets. Cams also pick up sow bears with 2 cubs, and 1 sow with 3. I'd be in favor of transporting all our bears to Maine or Canada. Too destructive. We had a bear pull down some limbs on one of our Dolgo crabs last year. Luckily, it was the first one we planted at camp, and it was big enough to survive and push up new growth. Tree was about 16 ft. tall with a 3 1/2" diameter trunk. It should be OK.

Glad to hear you have does around after those lean times a few years back. I remember when you and Stu were on the warpath with low numbers. Good to hear numbers are up for you.
Numbers are much better for Stu as well. He is still my number one consultant on apple questions and we share some scion.

I have a graft from a wild tree that he found that should fruit soon. It is good eater and I put it in the home orchard.
I picked the first Rescue Crabs today. They are just beginning to fall. Very tasty.

The fruit load tipped the central leader. I should have pulled the blossoms off of it this spring.
Do you see more deer during years with good apple crops?

This is something I have been thinking about. I have about 30 trees mostly between 7-10 years old. Not all have produced well for various reasons, but I have noticed apples lay on the ground for a long time, and nothing eats them. Last fall, early, and mid winter, apples laying on the ground, and no tracks even near them.
I am speaking mostly of last winter, but we had very little snow, a rather warm winter, and a heavy acorn drop, While I am sure played a part. Previous years I can’t say deer came in for just apples, but I can’t remember many laying on the ground for very long.
This is something I have been thinking about. I have about 30 trees mostly between 7-10 years old. Not all have produced well for various reasons, but I have noticed apples lay on the ground for a long time, and nothing eats them. Last fall, early, and mid winter, apples laying on the ground, and no tracks even near them.
I am speaking mostly of last winter, but we had very little snow, a rather warm winter, and a heavy acorn drop, While I am sure played a part. Previous years I can’t say deer came in for just apples, but I can’t remember many laying on the ground for very long.
I had lots of corn left in one of my corn plots this spring after the mild winter. The spring before we had starving deer with no corn left.

That corn plot is about 60% a failure this year due to regrowth.

With apples being left on the ground, can you see any preferences for certain types or sizes of apples?
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I picked the first Rescue Crabs today. They are just beginning to fall. Very tasty.

The fruit load tipped the central leader. I should have pulled the blossoms off of it this spring.
That's the first pic of Rescue I've ever seen. Dandy looking crabs, nice size too. Thanks for posting the pic & info.
That's the first pic of Rescue I've ever seen. Dandy looking crabs, nice size too. Thanks for posting the pic & info.
You are welcome.
This is something I have been thinking about. I have about 30 trees mostly between 7-10 years old. Not all have produced well for various reasons, but I have noticed apples lay on the ground for a long time, and nothing eats them. Last fall, early, and mid winter, apples laying on the ground, and no tracks even near them.
I am speaking mostly of last winter, but we had very little snow, a rather warm winter, and a heavy acorn drop, While I am sure played a part. Previous years I can’t say deer came in for just apples, but I can’t remember many laying on the ground for very long
With seasonal food sources that are new, it takes a few years before deer in the area can warm up to it. Neighboring deer did come to this spot before much, bump into it. Fawns that turning into bucks show bachelor groups the spot, etc... Give it another year or two.
I had lots of corn left in one of my corn plots this spring after the mild winter. The spring before we had starving deer with no corn left.

That corn plot is about 60% a failure this year due to regrowth.

With apples being left on the ground, can you see any preferences for certain types or sizes of apples?

Last fall, I didn’t notice them eating any.
Bur -
Gonna use any Rescues in your cider blends or sauce??
Bur -
Gonna use any Rescues in your cider blends or sauce??
I put some in the freezer for cider, ate a few, and gave some away.

We will wait for chestnuts and dolgo for sauce since we have quite a bit left from last year.
Lots of CAR this year. Here are two dolgo seedlings, side by side. They have differences in susceptibility.
Seedlings from wild crabs. All no spray . This is what I call my outback area, not the home orchard. Trees and plums back there are ahead of my home orchard this year which is strange. The home orchard is on a gentle south slope.

Deer having been eating every apple that hits the ground in both locations , except for apples near my ladder where I last picked apples.

I had my first Noran today from a franken tree. Sweet apple.
Trailman is near ripe and much better tasting than Trail. Trail seems to be a bit later but is planted in a lower location where frost might be later to come out.
My franken tree dropped the Breakeys. I find them sweet and pleasant to eat.