Crabapple timeline


Yellow Belly crab from Midwest Deer Trees that I planted last fall. I thumb pruned it today and will try and post a follow up picture.

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After thumb pruning.

I found a few tent caterpillar nests this morning. It also looks like some fireblight might be hitting after all of the rain.

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Red leafed, OP KinderKrisp seedling that I thumb pruned after taking this picture. The tree was planted here in spring of 2021. The seeds were planted fall of 2019 in my garden.

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This seedling of a wild crab looks like it will have a decent crop this year. Per my memory, there was nothing outstanding about the fruit from last year. Just over one inch and ok for deer. I didn’t name it.

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Decision time!

I need to thin the apple seedlings to one per tube. It’s my form of gambling.

Do I pick the fastest growing at this age? A bronze leafed one?

Maybe a slow grower in hopes it has a late season blooming time that escapes frost?


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Decision time!

I need to thin the apple seedlings to one per tube. It’s my form of gambling.

Do I pick the fastest growing at this age? A bronze leafed one?

Maybe a slow grower in hopes it has a late season blooming time that escapes frost?


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That’s about my speed of gambling there.

Red leafed, OP KinderKrisp seedling that I thumb pruned after taking this picture. The tree was planted here in spring of 2021. The seeds were planted fall of 2019 in my garden.

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Do you do any hand pollinating, or just use open pollinated seeds? I like the look of this KinderKrisp seedling.
Do you do any hand pollinating, or just use open pollinated seeds? I like the look of this KinderKrisp seedling.

I tried hand pollinating about 8 years ago using the SkilCult method. The blossoms all froze that year. It was considerable work so I just went back to OP.

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Northland Crab May be a new one to taste test this year.

Mn1734, Bilodeau, Franklin, and Linda Sweet are also showing some blossoms.

Bastians Orange Flesh has lots of blossoms.

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Northland is technically an apple, but is usually one of the first to ripen and is very hardy. Bandit agrees!

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My ‘Home Orchard’.

I have several other clusters and strings of crabapples along the swamps.. I guess they are now called wetlands.

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Nice looking orchard Sandbur!
Nice looking orchard Sandbur!

Thanks. Lots of mistakes are evident out there when more experienced people look at it.

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There is nothing better than being in the breeze and shade while under a crab apple tree on a warm afternoon. No mosquitoes either. I talked to her through the open pickup window. Maybe we could have shared a six pack!

That’s the original Big Dog. Seedlings of various crabs and apples are in the tubes.

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Survival of the fittest for the apples outback! I did spray a handful of chestnut crabs this week as they had lots of blossoms.

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I had to tie up the central leader on some crabs after all of the high winds we had.

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I had to tie up the central leader on some crabs after all of the high winds we had.

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Geneva Crab

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It looks like I am running about 75 percent on my topworks.

The rootstock is some suckers that I transplanted many years ago. They have about a half inch crab on them. Four trees back in here were topworked to Big Dog and Buckman Crab.

I did 3 of these in a different location last spring.

I have another root sucker in a pot to plant somewhere. Will I be around long enough to graft it and see fruit?

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This is a red seedling of Crabby Crisp and some Noran grafted on a wild Swamp Crab. The Swamp Crab was a rootsucker that I nursed along for many years.

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I jumped a fawn here. He could bound thru the reed canary pretty good. Mebbe I could have caught him 50 years ago!

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This is first fruit on a tree I have marked as a dolgo seedling. The apples are currently about twice the size of the grafted dolgo’s fruit. Perhaps I have the ID mixed up, but either way, I am looking forward to a taste test and to evaluating it for a deer tree.

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