Crabapple timeline


I planted three more trees for the deer. These two were in pots in my garden over winter. I also dig up a kinderkrisp seedling and planted it.

I am running out of room! I hope I am around long enough to see fruit on these.

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The planting location is on the spill from a pond we dug 30 plus years ago. The pond is on the left. The end of the foodplot corn is also on the fill/ spill.

I think I can squeeze three more trees in there next spring. I will spray a few areas with roundup this summer.

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I planted three more trees for the deer. These two were in pots in my garden over winter. I also dig up a kinderkrisp seedling and planted it.

I am running out of room! I hope I am around long enough to see fruit on these.

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Awesome! I have those two and a yellow belly crab being delivered today from Luke. Let us know how they do!
Awesome! I have those two and a yellow belly crab being delivered today from Luke. Let us know how they do!

I planted Yellow Belly last fall. These three trees went in a location that was the edge of a sanctuary, where I don’t go in the fall.

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Which rootstock is it on?

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This one is Antonovka, it’s been cold this year and things have been slow to get started. Better than everything leafing / flowering out and getting zapped by the frost though!
This one is Antonovka, it’s been cold this year and things have been slow to get started. Better than everything leafing / flowering out and getting zapped by the frost though!

It has been cold here, too. The ice still isn’t out of some lakes to the north.

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It has been a late spring, but my fall planted apple seeds have started to emerge. I have open pollinated seeds from chestnut crab, autumn blush, Kerr, sweet dog, Geneva crab, and from two other wild crabs/ apples that my buddy named.

I am probably too old to be planting apple seeds. By next spring, I need to try and find room to plant an evaluate these, or maybe just collect scion and graft on some flowering crabs to evaluate them.

I did no bench grafting this year, but will top work some this morning. I have some Buckman and Big Dog scion to put on some volunteer rootstock that I planted years ago and forgot about. Those rootstock must be ten foot tall.

I have some Connell Red, Pink Pearl, and Puget Spice that will be top worked on smaller rootstock and those will be near the house in what I call the home orchard.

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Connel Red/Fireside probably one of my favorite apples in zone 3 for eating and home use just a very good apple. I planted one 25 years ago at my mothers place hands down her favorite.
I have a couple Firesides I planted a couple years ago, I am hoping this year will be their first year to fruit.
The Briar Lane crabapple in bloom, it's been windy a bunch of blooms have blown off. This one has heavy fruit load every year.

This morning, I thumb pruned some of the emerging growth from the central leader.

It is plenty wet so I pruned them pretty hard.
Spring is way behind. Plums should be in full bloom soon.

No blooms on apple trees yet.

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I am running out of room! I hope I am around long enough to see fruit on these.

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I hear ya preaching Sandbur.... and share the same hopes and dreams!
Did you plant that as a cutting?

Any special treatment?
This was Antonovka rootstock I had in the ground. I bud grafted this past fall and once I knew it took and was starting to green up this spring I cut the top of the rootstock off. This one bud will take over and hopefully turn into a beautiful Buckman Crab.
I hear ya preaching Sandbur.... and share the same hopes and dreams!


So I dug another rootstock suckers late last summer. Now, where do I plant it?

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So I dug another rootstock suckers late last summer. Now, where do I plant it?

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These top works started as rootsuckers like the above. I converted some last spring and some this spring to Buckman and Big Dog.

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Yellow Belly crab from Midwest Deer Trees that I planted last fall. I thumb pruned it today and will try and post a follow up picture.

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