Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

The US was definitely very involved with funding and creating covid. FAUCI. Why was our media lying to our citizens about the origin of covid? Why did China quarantine their own people and still let the rest of the world come to China and "visit" when they had this extremely dangerous contamination that they intentionally let get out to the rest of the world and our media was right there working hand in hand lying to the public? FAUCI. jmo
Funny how some look past facts ain't it? Produced in China at the request and with the funding of the US government under the great black hope, saint Obama himself
It was an accident. China arguably suffered worse than any other country because of the outbreak.

Chinese are horrible with laboratory hygiene, and hygiene in general. I could tell you stories about them contaminating labs and individuals with radioactive material and getting their license pulled. Most of the radioactive waste we had was from Chinese people.

You should have a look at how many of their hogs died to swine flu. I think it was like 60% of their entire herd. It's just bananas over there. It feels like a different world.
Nothing about covid was an accident, except for the fact that the facts kept leaking.