Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

A site i used to frequent banned all political discussion. Most of the time it was pretty tame as it is here but occasionally it got elevated. But it was good discussion, it needs to happen. They started banning anyone who posted anything political. Now it's become a club for a few long time members and no new signups and the site is dieing.
I don't want to see that happen here.
For the most part it's civil and light hearted even when we disagree. It is easy to take the written words out of context sometimes though.
I was admin on a rather big popular site prior to coming here, they allowed politics during election time, but it had to stay respectful, it was a nightmare trying to get a bunch of people to not insult each other. It was way too much work, and I spent many hours a day for no pay. The problem wasnt that I thought people were being out of order, it was that the owner did, and then everyone started reporting posts they didnt agree with, and after hosting a few events, and getting some attitude from a few members at the event, I had enough. Now I just enjoy this forum from the outside.

Thanks Bill, and others for the work, and freedom of speech you give us, and not treating us like children.
"Not apologizing for calling you out on coming here and telling how we should conduct ourselves. As @Telemark says you don't have to click a link, you also don't have to visit the sight if it offends you. Lots of choices."

No intention to offend either posters or administrators. Nor any intention to 'tell' or require how this or any site should be run.
Rather, my post was framed by my own experience and as "suggestions", not requirements, not expectations.

I would again 'suggest' to all skeptics of my post that neither I or my avatar care a whit about anyone's political views they right, left, independent, uncommitted, or just bored lurkers. Rather, what I posted was my opinion based on what my preference is for a venue that I have come to for some years to seek or share experiences and knowledge about 'habitat' developments, ala' "Habitat-Talk".

Now, if there are those who wish to do politics, national, local, or personal, on this That's up to the administrators and those contributors.

I have only visited the several 'habitat' pages of this site. For years. Until last night. When I inadvertently clicked onto that 'Conspiracy' thread. I read much of what was posted and that spurred the memory of what I had observed at the Michigan-Sportsman site. And I shared that.....ala' my perception of the protocols of social-media forums. I thought I did so respectfully. Did so thoughtfully.

So, if it is more palatable to all here......let's simply re-frame my post (#1193 above) merely another 'Conspiracy' post. To wit, the conspiratorial view that political theories and wildlife habitating make strange bedfellows.

Now, as far as the suggestion to NOT click onto threads that are titled "Conspiracies".........not inappropriate advice. Perhaps will heed it.
It depends.
"Not apologizing for calling you out on coming here and telling how we should conduct ourselves. As @Telemark says you don't have to click a link, you also don't have to visit the sight if it offends you. Lots of choices."

No intention to offend either posters or administrators. Nor any intention to 'tell' or require how this or any site should be run.
Rather, my post was framed by my own experience and as "suggestions", not requirements, not expectations.

I would again 'suggest' to all skeptics of my post that neither I or my avatar care a whit about anyone's political views they right, left, independent, uncommitted, or just bored lurkers. Rather, what I posted was my opinion based on what my preference is for a venue that I have come to for some years to seek or share experiences and knowledge about 'habitat' developments, ala' "Habitat-Talk".

Now, if there are those who wish to do politics, national, local, or personal, on this That's up to the administrators and those contributors.

I have only visited the several 'habitat' pages of this site. For years. Until last night. When I inadvertently clicked onto that 'Conspiracy' thread. I read much of what was posted and that spurred the memory of what I had observed at the Michigan-Sportsman site. And I shared that.....ala' my perception of the protocols of social-media forums. I thought I did so respectfully. Did so thoughtfully.

So, if it is more palatable to all here......let's simply re-frame my post (#1193 above) merely another 'Conspiracy' post. To wit, the conspiratorial view that political theories and wildlife habitating make strange bedfellows.

Now, as far as the suggestion to NOT click onto threads that are titled "Conspiracies".........not inappropriate advice. Perhaps will heed it.
It depends.
No worries here

I haven't been able to stop smiling since November 5

God Bless America

Lighten up Francis ?
I wish there was no such thing as presidential pardons. It’s become a bargaining chip to pander for votes and to protect those who don’t deserve protection cause they were on whichever presidents side.
Trump pardoned an online drug dealer cause the drug dealer was big in crypto and Trump owed the crypto bros. Lesson to kids, it’s better to sell drugs on the dark web than the street corner.
I wish there was no such thing as presidential pardons. It’s become a bargaining chip to pander for votes and to protect those who don’t deserve protection cause they were on whichever presidents side.
Trump pardoned an online drug dealer cause the drug dealer was big in crypto and Trump owed the crypto bros. Lesson to kids, it’s better to sell drugs on the dark web than the street corner.
Trump pardoned 274, Biden and Obama pardoned over 9000 between the 2 of them,over 8000 coming from Biden alone. I don't want to hear yah but Trump anymore on this. Biden pardoned his own family for treason, fauchi for treason and murder, the list is too long.
Trump pardoned 274, Biden and Obama pardoned over 9000 between the 2 of them,over 8000 coming from Biden alone. I don't want to hear yah but Trump anymore on this. Biden pardoned his own family for treason, fauchi for treason and murder, the list is too long.
Ok…I didn’t say Trump was worse than Biden on pardons I think almost all pardons are bullshit. Not every argument has to be Trump vs Biden or left vs right. Some things can literally be about a singular issue. Pardons have morphed into an abuse of power on all sides in my opinion
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I would again 'suggest' to all skeptics of my post that neither I or my avatar care a whit about anyone's political views they right, left, independent, uncommitted, or just bored lurkers.

I would suggest the majority here are the former (in red), and we have certainly got at least one dude who seems to be nothing but the latter (in blue).

But to the point...just don't visit threads that you have no interest in. The amount of information and experience on this forum is invaluable. I have learned, and continue to learn, much about management and hunting from our members. I've said it once before, and I'll say it again....I'd pay a yearly fee to maintain my membership on this forum (like I do for other forums) if Bill ever needed to go that route. But yeah, some of the stuff that gets said in threads like this one may not agree with you. Just don't look.
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Yeah, pardons are bullsh#t. Guarantee there are big donors of Trumps now who see the green light to do anything they want knowing the pardon will come swiftly in the future. It is a political tool now with no boundaries. And as usual, the common man won’t see any benefit from it.

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I wish there was no such thing as presidential pardons. It’s become a bargaining chip to pander for votes and to protect those who don’t deserve protection cause they were on whichever presidents side.
Trump pardoned an online drug dealer cause the drug dealer was big in crypto and Trump owed the crypto bros. Lesson to kids, it’s better to sell drugs on the dark web than the street corner.
Brings up a thought. Why can't the war on drugs ever be won? Is it because the DC power players like their coke too much? The "good guy" in me wants all drugs illegal and vanished. My libertarian brother wants them all legal, but he's never done a drug outside of alcohol and sugar. I don't get it. Just too many cokers I guess.
Ok…I didn’t say Trump was worse than Biden on pardons I think almost all pardons are bullshit. Not every argument has to be Trump vs Biden or left bs right. Some things can literally be about a singular issue. Pardons have morphed into an abuse of power on all sides in
It's all about how it's framed. You could say the last 4 presidents have pardoned 10,000 plus people it sounds like a huge 2 sided abuse of power. But when you clarrify that with Obama and Biden accounting for 9,500 of that 10,000 it changes the narrative a bit don't ya think?
Yeah, pardons are bullsh#t. Guarantee there are big donors of Trumps now who see the green light to do anything they want knowing the pardon will come swiftly in the future. It is a political tool now with no boundaries. And as usual, the common man won’t see any benefit from it.

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I’m sure the crypto bros bought and paid for that pardon.
Brings up a thought. Why can't the war on drugs ever be won? Is it because the DC power players like their coke too much? The "good guy" in me wants all drugs illegal and vanished. My libertarian brother wants them all legal, but he's never done a drug outside of alcohol and sugar. I don't get it. Just too many cokers I guess.
I use to think make all drugs legal and let whatever happen happen. Now I still don’t care if people want to kill themselves with drugs. The issue is drug addicts are a ginormous strain on society. So therefore their actions impact the greater good. Look at Portland Oregon or really any place in the world with a high use of drugs. Due to their nature of addiction and lack of control, addicts cannot just live and let live so I think the idea of allowing people to be drug zombies legally is a fantasy.
And yes I’d argue 1/2 of Washington or more is coked up weekly.
Brings up a thought. Why can't the war on drugs ever be won? Is it because the DC power players like their coke too much? The "good guy" in me wants all drugs illegal and vanished. My libertarian brother wants them all legal, but he's never done a drug outside of alcohol and sugar. I don't get it. Just too many cokers I guess.

This is going to sound very morbid, and it is. I wish all drugs were legal and the money spent on research and development for OD medication was redirected to something useful. You wanna do drugs? Fine. You wanna take it too far? Also fine. Bye. Like most things there aren’t even consequences for an OD. Let a people watch someone die slowly in the street foaming at the mouth. They will never touch a drug again…

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I wish there was no such thing as presidential pardons. It’s become a bargaining chip to pander for votes and to protect those who don’t deserve protection cause they were on whichever presidents side.
Trump pardoned an online drug dealer cause the drug dealer was big in crypto and Trump owed the crypto bros. Lesson to kids, it’s better to sell drugs on the dark web than the street corner.
There's way more to that story than that. Ross was railroaded.
If he did it to please anyone, it wasn't the crypto boss. It was a gesture for the libertarians who supported him. He made that promise at the libertarian convention.
There's way more to that story than that. Ross was railroaded.
I’m all ears. Was he facilitating drug sales on the dark web using untraceable crypto? All I know is from that article linked
I’m all ears. Was he facilitating drug sales on the dark web using untraceable crypto? All I know is from that article linked
freeing Ross was a big libertarian selling point for him. He promised to do so at the libertarian national convention. I'm not qualified to make the defense without studying first or I'm sure to mess up details. I'll see if I get time later today.
Dave Smith had spoken in length about it several times of you follow any of his stuff.
So politics. No one is perfect. Disappointing in my mind. I did read some comments that the guy's sentence was pretty unjust. In this day and age, I don't think anyone can get elected without buying some votes.
This is going to sound very morbid, and it is. I wish all drugs were legal and the money spent on research and development for OD medication was redirected to something useful. You wanna do drugs? Fine. You wanna take it too far? Also fine. Bye. Like most things there aren’t even consequences for an OD. Let a people watch someone die slowly in the street foaming at the mouth. They will never touch a drug again…

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Yeah I've tried to see if I can get myself to join in that line of thinking, but just haven't been able to yet. I respect a lot of people who say that, so it's interesting to me. The way people are dying from fentanyl is scary. Hate to think about someone's kid. When I mention that, people sometimes hit back with "can say the same thing about guns" which I think is a ridiculous argument or comparison. Wish I knew the answers about drugs. That's why the debate rages on. Wish we (or the Mexican army) could drop bombs on cartels.
So politics. No one is perfect. Disappointing in my mind. I did read some comments that the guy's sentence was pretty unjust. In this day and age, I don't think anyone can get elected without buying some votes.
My thoughts are if it’s unjust, make it just, reduce the sentence. But releasing someone all together who committed a heinous crime for votes and or money is an abuse of power.
Additionally blanket releasing j6 people I don’t believe is the right move. Sends a bad message. People did forcefully enter the capitol of the United States. That’s illegal. Maybe reduce the sentences of some and release some all together but a blanket release seemed awfully political

For bill loser…what Biden did was 1000x worse. But I want my side to be better. When you stoop low to meet the bar of the other side you end of being just as guilty.