Cheap target ammo


5 year old buck +
Put a new scope on my .308 Savage, and began to sight it in by shooting some Wolf FMJ rounds. I had 10 out of the first box that didn't fire. Switched over to the Hornady American Whitetail that I'll be hunting with and every round fired

Anyone have similar issues with Wolf ammo?

Any experience with Tula, sellier & bellot, armscor, pmc bronze?

Any other recommendations?
a lot of the wolf branded ammo is steel cased and lacquer coated to prevent rusting, that coating I have seen cause issues with firing pins, and since its a low grade ammo mass produced, spec's can slip a tad before being caught
in some more military type rifles, like AKs and there variant's and such, it never matters, there spec's allow for ammo issue's LOL
but I have seen after a bunch of rounds in AR's it breaking firing pin's from build up on the pins!
I personally never fire full metal jacketed ammo out of my hunting rifles, or steel cased ammo, its harder on bores and chambers!
I leave that cheap stuff for lesser guns or hand guns where the risks of added wear and tear is not so likely!
I shoot a fair amount of PMC, 45 auto and 308. No issues running it through my 1911's or fal.
I bought 1000 rounds of the steel case stuff maybe 20 years ago in 5.56 shot around 200 rounds and decided it was way to inaccurate for my purposes. I do not recall there being any misfires but this is some pretty old ammo not current production.
I just shot some wolf .300 blackout and 6.5 grendel wolf and no misfires. I use it to get close. Rather use $.75 amm to get close as opposed the $2 or $3 hunting ammo
Not a prepped by any stretch, but after purchasing my first .556 a few years ago, I bought several (cheap) 420 round cans of Federal Lake City ammo on stripper clips. It’s fine for general plinking, or the zombie apocalypse, but your lucky to get 3” groups at 100 yards with it. Originally thought it was the gun, but tried some HSM .223 with Berger bullets that I had for a Remington bolt action, and the AR started shooting 1/2” groups. Repeated these results with other guns and now recognize the Lake City ammo for what it is.

I’ve since wondered if this is “seconds or rejects” that get dumped to the public, or is this what is given to our military?

Wolf mostly uses berdan primers and make them hard on purpose to prevent slam firing on semi-autos. Hunting rifles were not meant to hit the primers that hard. Likely the primer was intended for 7.62x39 firearms.

Boxer primer has one hole down a spent case for the primer channel. Berdan primer has 2 holes.