I pretty sure at least one of these is a choke cherry. Can anybody ID them based on my crappy photos? Oval leaves = black berries, long leaves = red berries.
Any idea on the other one?I think the second one is a choke cherry, longer leaves and the beeries will turn dark
Thanks! I never have to add water to it. Even during droughts it only goes down a couple inches. I think it's only around 16" deep. I also get lots of photos of turkeys, raccoons, coyotes, squirrels, and birds using the water.Those are great photo's bueller!..:);):cool:...looks like the water hole has been a great success. How often do you have to fill, or is it rain water only? How deep?
Most fruit trees struggle in our sand which is also prone to late frosts. That is why I really wish I knew what kind this one is as it has been neglected over the years yet it is LOADED with apples.I don't know what kind of crab that is, but it sure looks like a dandy producer. A couple of our un-named crabs have had weeds around them for some years also and it never slowed them down. Lots of crabapples each year on 'em & they're about 18 ft. tall. I guess they're just tougher trees than regular apple trees.
The pups have been there since sometime in June. Below is one of the earlier videos I captured of them. Since the pups arrived I have not seen a single adult yote here. I've had the camera set up here since March or April and prior to the pups showing up I had a couple different adults frequenting the den, but they were not everyday visitors. The den itself has been there for a couple years now although the hole has gotten a bigger over time. I have a ton of videos of the pups at all times of day and night. Everyday they are coming and going and hanging out within camera view. They have to be living there.Those pups are certainly big enough to be eating critters now. I am almost wondering if the pups are living in that den or are just visiting it while making the rounds. Do you have pictures of them exiting the den in the mornings? Looks clean around the den, almost too clean. Though fox are a lot messier house keepers.