While at the cabin in SW Missouri, I was able to get the fall foot plot in. Much like last year I planted winter wheat, forage rape and annual clover. This year I added some purple-top turnips as they help build the soil in these rocky Ozark conditions. I was impressed with the fact that last year’s annual clover was still producing and showed signs of continued browse. While I did not get a picture of the mineral stump, I have one that is seven years old and producing great browse.
The tools for this project are simple—the old John Deere D100 lawn tractor, a hand sprayer with Glyphosate, a hand spreader for the seed and a chain to work the top of the soil and promote seed/soil contact. Now I just need rain!

The food plot and scape at the cabin. This tree was terminated in 2014 and finally fell this summer. The first step was to spray everything with Glyphosate using a backpack sprayer.

After a few hours, I came back and broadcast the fall mix using the hand spreader. I then mowed the remains of last year’s plot.

The final product…a 1/4 acre hides hole. Just add water and it will be ready for hunting season. One forecast predicts no rain in the next two weeks, another suggests a solid rain on Friday. I believe the seeds are adequately covered using the drag chain method to keep them from being easy targets for squirrels and birds. Time will tell. Last year’s plot sat dry for two weeks before rain and eventually did pretty good.
BWTM: This guy showed up a few minutes after we left this morning. The cabin property is in a county that allows minerals, and he is already coming to the trophy rock.