5 year old buck +
I took two days off to get some work done on the place. First up was bringing in the traps and given them a good cleaning before storing for next season. Next up was to get the food plots in the areas noted in the previous post. I started by spraying glyphosate to take down some weeds that were already starting to come up. I then broadcast an alfalfa/ red clover blend from Missouri Southern Seed in the plots adjacent to the hardwoods and row-crops.
I used some pretty basic tools for this project--an ATV mounted sprayer, pull-behind seeder and lawn roller. Now I'll wait for tonights forecasted rain! (Follow-up, 1.4" fell last night, so the seeds are well watered!)

I am also working on stand placement (or replacement!) for the tower and ladders stands. The irony is that pregnant doe was watching me for a good 5 minutes as I assembled the stand. She (or her offspring) might just be harvested from that stand!
I used some pretty basic tools for this project--an ATV mounted sprayer, pull-behind seeder and lawn roller. Now I'll wait for tonights forecasted rain! (Follow-up, 1.4" fell last night, so the seeds are well watered!)

I am also working on stand placement (or replacement!) for the tower and ladders stands. The irony is that pregnant doe was watching me for a good 5 minutes as I assembled the stand. She (or her offspring) might just be harvested from that stand!
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