bueller's blotter

That's a big cat.
I thought he had something in his mouth on the second shot until I went back to the first ans saw its something in the background.
That's a big cat.
I thought he had something in his mouth on the second shot until I went back to the first ans saw its something in the background.
I saw the same thing the first time I looked at the pics. The full res pics saved on the sd card should be pretty nice.
Not sure what to think about the Phosphorus and Magnesium levels.

Could be magnesium in your lime. Dolomitic limestone has lots of Mg.
Pulled a card from a camera that has been out all winter. Turns out the bobcat I caught on my cell cam wasn't just passing through, I've got him several times since December. This is the best shot I have of him.
That’s a very nice kitty cat you have there
Remote cams will spoil you :)
Like the trail camera pics of the cats
Got all my Colorado Blue Spruce and Balsam Fir plugs planted today. Luckily the open areas were mostly snow free. Shaded woody spots still had anywhere from a few inches to nearly a foot of snow. Even found some areas of frozen ground.

Rye plot is starting to open and the deer were on the green today.
Got all my Colorado Blue Spruce and Balsam Fir plugs planted today. Luckily the open areas were mostly snow free. Shaded woody spots still had anywhere from a few inches to nearly a foot of snow. Even found some areas of frozen ground.

Rye plot is starting to open and the deer were on the green today.
I pulled cards yesterday and they are really hitting my rye right now.
Quick update, no pics. Planted soybeans for the first time last week. Plot is only 3/4 of an acre. Seed was leftover RR for $20 per bag. I planted heavy due to the small plot size and the expectation of lower germination on my sand with limited implements and the seed tag showed only 60% germination rate. I was banking on the neighbor planting a 20 acre field to beans again this year as he has done in the past. I purposely planted a bit late so that his would be up and growing before mine. Well, he planted corn in that field this year. I also spread a bag a milorganite hoping to deter deer activity a bit. It either didn't work or wasn't enough as I had deer tracks in the field the night after spreading it and pictures of deer in there everyday since, no beans up yet just rye and weeds dying down from the gly. Will be interesting to see what happens, updates to come for sure.

More less than great news. My plot of red clover planted in the fall of 2015 thrived all the way into last winter. Now it is nearly extinct, guess the biannual trait is true. I never mowed, only overseeded with rye each fall so I expected some natural reseeding of the clover stand. Should have reseeded myself last fall when I broadcasted the rye. Looks like I'll be nuking that plot and planting brassicas in a month or so and then overseeding with rye and clover to start all over again.
On the plus side the plugs I planted this spring and over the last couple years look great with all the moisture and warm temps in May.
Put a cage somewhere in your beans. Thier doomed :) but it will be a nice spot for a fall plot....

Already planning fall plots here. High temps and no rain. The beans I planted on May 9th were germinating when I left. But with 90+ degree days and no rain in a month they won't survive the browse pressure or heat. 15 bags full price. Ouch!
Put a cage somewhere in your beans. Thier doomed :) but it will be a nice spot for a fall plot....

Already planning fall plots here. High temps and no rain. The beans I planted on May 9th were germinating when I left. But with 90+ degree days and no rain in a month they won't survive the browse pressure or heat. 15 bags full price. Ouch!
Thanks for the positive words :emoji_wink:.
First year planting rr beans has been interesting. They came in much thinner than I hoped but still provided a summer attraction while allowing me to take care of some weed and grass issues at the same time. Even have pods beginning to fill up.
Over seeded a portion of the beans last weekend with some leftover brassicas I had on hand. Got over a 1/2 inch of rain during the week, just under a 1/2 inch today, and more forecasted tomorrow into Monday. Fingers crossed that I will get good germination.

Ordered welter's big buck brassica mix to over seed the remainder of the plot. Got it the next day. Spread it before the rain this afternoon. Plan to push it into the sand a little tomorrow morning while spraying.IMG_20180804_220430.jpg


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Its time for me to get my sugar beets and clover seeded for fall too.
Things are starting to trend in the right direction. This was my first year planting soybeans and although they came in thin I'm impressed. They never got much higher than a foot tall but survived the deer browsing and the hot and dry summer months. Now they have pods filled with beans hanging from them. Being RR I was able to take care of some weed and grass issues in the plot. About 4 weeks ago I overseeded with brassicas and caught some timely rains. They are now starting to help fill in the plot. I was going to spread urea and rye last weekend but held off because of heavy rain in the forecast. Weatherman was correct (amazing right) and we got over 7" of rain. Glad I held off. On Friday I spread the urea and rye and it's been raining on and off since, about 1" total. Perfect. Hopefully we dodge the heavy rain in the forecast tomorrow so the nitrogen doesn't leach through. I should have a beautiful plot of beans, brassicas, and rye come hunting season. I'll try to grab some pictures next time up, I know all this is kinda boring without pictures.
We like the Big Buck brassica mix from Welter's at camp. ( from your post #617 ) It's done well for us.