bueller's blotter

Rape was a surprise for me this past year. I bought a cover crop mix of rye and rape. This spring I had LOTS of rape flowering and making seed. The clover I planted with that mix came in pretty well, so I'm planing on just rolling the rye/rape down. It'll be interesting to see how much rape I end up with as I did nothing to control it or keep it from setting seed.
I don't think you can really over do clover. Heck I let mine flower all summer. It must naturally seed pounds over the years.
Good point. The red clover currently in the plot has never been cut and has flowered and produced seed two summers in a row. Plus I know that I never get the best germination and success rate with anything in my sand, especially something simply broadcast on top.

Rape was a surprise for me this past year. I bought a cover crop mix of rye and rape. This spring I had LOTS of rape flowering and making seed. The clover I planted with that mix came in pretty well, so I'm planing on just rolling the rye/rape down. It'll be interesting to see how much rape I end up with as I did nothing to control it or keep it from setting seed.
Rape won't survive the winter up in my area. I don't expect it to do much because I seeded the rye on the heavy side and I didn't add any fertilizer at the time of planting and don't plan to add any this fall. If I get a decent amount of rape to 6" tall I'd be thrilled.
I thought it winterkilled here as well, but nope. I had lots of this (I think it's rape).
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Just gonna smoosh the rye and it down with the packer and see what turns up. With all the variety of seeds I planted, plus the rye/rape that seeded out I'm sure something the deer eat will grow. I least I hope so! :D
I thought it winterkilled here as well, but nope. I had lots of this (I think it's rape).
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Just gonna smoosh the rye and it down with the packer and see what turns up. With all the variety of seeds I planted, plus the rye/rape that seeded out I'm sure something the deer eat will grow. I least I hope so! :D

I may be missing something but I don't see any rape in that pic. Rape is real leafy and looks more like cabbage than anything. Similar to turnip tops but usually a different shade of green with no bulb or tuber.

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Pretty sure that the seedstalk in the middle of the pic previously had these types of leaves on them (taken 2/19).
Untitled by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr

Bueller- Sorry for the hi-jack.
pointer, not a hi-jack at all. It's all relevant. That blueish green in the above photo does appear to be rape.
pointer, not a hi-jack at all. It's all relevant. That blueish green in the above photo does appear to be rape.
Those were the leaves that produced the seed stalks pictured above. I haven't made it to Camp since June. Interesting to see what's growing now.
That's for sure a mature rape plant!
My main plot has greened up. Rye is about 3" tall and still filling in. There is some seed lying on top that has just begun to germinate. There is also some volunteer buckwheat showing. Activity on plot is kind of quiet right now. I think the bean fields in the area are drawing lots of attention. I saw some acorns on the ground but they were small and not very numerous. Leaves are beginning to change. Sure wish I could hunt our opener next weekend. I've got a couple nice ones on camera.
After reviewing this sequence I think I maybe I should create a mock scrape under that branch next time up.
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Like to see when they are relaxed and just scenting ... not disturbed, being in their environment ... nice!
I like to call this my minimum maintenance plot. Mid-August I broadcasted more rye into last year's mature rye and red clover planted back in 2015. No spray, drag, mow, pack, etc...
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I have one of my plots that I do about the same. 3 year old clover, then winter rye Labor Day weekend. That’s all, nothing else. Except I saw some thistle. In there a couple weeks back, that already went to seed. I should have paid a little closer attention.

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Bueller - Nice low-maintenance plot in post # 593. Plenty of goodies there to keep deer happy.
I like to call this my minimum maintenance plot. Mid-August I broadcasted more rye into last year's mature rye and red clover planted back in 2015. No spray, drag, mow, pack, etc...
View attachment 15277 View attachment 15278
I notice I seem to be making more of this style plot and they don't seem to care.
Guys, one thing I have learned with the minimum maintenance plot. Weeds will show their face especially in the first year. I was a bit discouraged the first summer. But with no ground disturbance and a constant "choking" of rye and/or clover the weeds seem to be more of a "one and done". For example I had a bunch of Mullein pop up the first year. It matured and set seed but many of those stalks are still standing to this day and there were very few if any new Mullein plants this year. Other weeds have acted much the same in this plot. I know if I mow, drag, or till this plot I would get a bunch of Mullein and other weeds again. Along the outside edge of the plot is the only area where weeds are even a concern at this point, and that's because the clover and rye is so much thinner there. I may spray a ring around the outside next spring/summer and reseed the outside ring heavy with rye and clover but I have no plans to do anything other than overseed the remaining 95% of the plot.
We've found that same kind of thing in some of our clover plots, Bueller. A few weeds won't ruin the plot, as long as we keep fertilizing, liming and over-seeding. The clover seems to keep most weeds at bay. And some weeds deer eat anyway. Nice job and thanks for the shared info !!
It's always nice to see survivors. Not seeing much on my cameras. I'm hoping after muzzleloader season and late bow are over some start moving around.