bueller's blotter

Tough one. Knowing what I do about antlers on bucks from that area, I'd sure call that a 3.5 last year. If I didn't know what I know :confused: I'd call it a 2.5 based on body. Maybe he was a very dropped buck fawn.
100% Agree. Take the antlers off the body and he doesn't get aged at greater than 3.5 by me, at least in pics from August.
Apparently witchgrass is considered to be browse for deer. I'll believe it if/when I see it.
Apparently witchgrass is considered to be browse for deer. I'll believe it if/when I see it.
Never saw it but u never know. It gets super thick and pretty aggressive.
Is that second grass foxtail? I think it might be
Never saw it but u never know. It gets super thick and pretty aggressive.
Is that second grass foxtail? I think it might be
I'm not sure. I'll watch it to see what kind of seed head it develops. One thing is for sure. In the spots where it popped up it is THICK.
Foxtail? Maybe, but I have never really seen it to that extent in the sand country. I would be more concerned with it being this....


This is about the time of year that it completely took over our south plot the last year the old man owned the place. We always had good amounts of it, but I had never seen it so thick, I thought it was the new rye regrowth from knocking down the mature rye from the year before when my dad sent me the pic. When I got back down there 3 weeks later it had bolted and produced spurs already, at that point it was too late. Get your hot dose of cleth/crop oil ready and check that plot often.
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Got a call from Pops this morning and he said that everything we planted 2 weeks ago is up growing. Quite a head start for us considering that many years our rye wouldn't even be in the ground yet. Can't wait for the bow season to open! He also said that the Patten Pear I planted in 2013 is sending out new leaves after something stripped it clean a couple weeks back :D.
The cuttings I planted this spring are coming along. We had a period of hot and dry weather late july- early august that claimed some even though they were planted in black plastic. The tallest poplars are about 30".
A disappointing number of the dappled willows didn't make it long enough to see the heat of the summer. Others are alive but not doing much while some like the one in the foreground looks good.
Got the roof up on my stand. Ready for the season!

Here is what it looked like when I bought the place.
Foodplots are looking good. These pics are of my powerline plot, first year. Planted buckwheat in the spring and let it go to seed. There was a good number of grass and weeds that came back so I sprayed gly 3 weeks ago. After spraying I seeded winter rye, radish, and red clover. Then I dragged it lightly to cover the broadcasted seeds and get the buckwheat seeds to the ground.


Nice looking poplars there. Mine are under powerlines so I'll be lopping them off once they get about 10 feet or so, probably spring of 2017 so I get all the flush new growth. The plan is for the dappled willows to eventually establish a permanent low maintenance screen. I know they like water but I've also heard that once established they can do well on dry sites. Only time will tell. Most of the ones I lost never did anything after planting.
It looks like you have some volunteer buckwheat coming back up with the rye and radishes. That ought to be a good fall/winter plot for you Bueller. Come spring, those greens will make some good O.M. for the soil if you're gonna plant something new. Stand looks good too !! Nice job.
It looks like you have some volunteer buckwheat coming back up with the rye and radishes. That ought to be a good fall/winter plot for you Bueller. Come spring, those greens will make some good O.M. for the soil if you're gonna plant something new. Stand looks good too !! Nice job.
Yep, that was the plan. Free buckwheat should get 12" or so before a frost kills it. Then the rye and radish will shine. Next spring the clover will kick in under the rye. I may do a late spring/early summer brassica planting. Or maybe just repeat this years cycle.
I left the buckwheat standing in one plot and overseeded with rye, radish, and red clover 3 weeks ago. Underneath the buckwheat is lush new growth however the deer are still preferring to browse on the mature buckwheat.
Nice vid, Bueller. Deer like our buckwheat too. And the turkeys go thru and pick the seed heads for the kernels. All in all, BW is a good thing to plant. We like how it decays down into the soil for more O.M.
Nice vid, Bueller. Deer like our buckwheat too. And the turkeys go thru and pick the seed heads for the kernels. All in all, BW is a good thing to plant. We like how it decays down into the soil for more O.M.
All sorts of wildlife are attracted to the buckwheat for the food and cover it provides. Plus it's good for the soil. The video shows that it doesn't have to be an 8 week plow down crop.
Yep. I think we'll have a plot of buckwheat planted SOMEWHERE at camp each year. Cheap & beneficial - to the critters and the soil.
We got our rye/radish/clover in the ground mid-august this year and it is coming along nicely. Could have seeded a little heavier.

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A buddy and I hunted Saturday afternoon on my pops' land. We each sat on a food plot hoping to at least see some deer feeding. The luck of the draw went his way. Around 6 o'clock a doe with two fawns entered the plot he was overlooking. They were followed by two bucks, likely yearlings based on antler size. Trail cams had shown us that these two bucks were still in a bachelor group with a 9 pointer. Sure enough the 9 entered the plot after them. Buddy put a great shot on him. He may not be a trophy to most, but he sure is to us. While we do have a few bigger ones on camera each year, they are rarely if ever seen in person.

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I have lots of trail cam pics and videos of him that I'm putting on a CD for my buddy. This is the first buck that we know of that we've had on camera before harvesting it. Going through the photos I think the bachelor group may have been all 2.5's with this one being the best. At the time being 2.5's meet our goal. If we ever start to have chances to harvest a 2.5 consistently we can then consider raising our goal to 3.5's.