A few more years!


Is that the little gentleman that handed me a pack of venison stix when we met? :)

First impressions are hard to forget. He was so cute and so cordial in just the few minutes we talked.

My son is also a freshman in college now. Still pinching myself, often wondering how it all happened so fast. He is quickly becoming his own man, and my "cool factor" from years ago is now too often times a battle of the minds and egos.

Brandon shot his first duck at 6 years old. First deer at 10. First turkey at 10. First 5+ lb bass(largie) at around 10. First 20+ inch smallie at 8. Too many things to list.
Sadly(in an odd sort of way), he was a big sports guy. Its been very spotty hunting for him for the previous 5 years. Hockey took over his life. Looking back, he did what he loved, but he also loves hunting deeply and had to put it aside. Now here we are, he is an adult and still has a love and passion for hunting and fishing. But he is slowly entering his next phase of life, which also entails him spending more time away from us; little by little. He applied for NDSU last week. So we will find out this week what is next.

He was born at 26.5 weeks.. Yep,, 13.5 weeks early. A whopping weight of 3lbs 1 oz.

Quite a success story. Hard to believe it was 19 years ago on Nov 27th that he entered our lives.

You have a lot to look forward to Riggs. Have tons of fun.
That's the same little guy Mark. Once your son gets through his college days he will get back to doing hunting stuff with you, I know things changed a lot for me in college and it took me a while to realize how important it was to hang out with my dad again.
With one daughter in college and one as a senior in high school, I hope we can spend a weekend up north hunting deer. If time is short, perhaps they can hunt with my wife at home.
High school football play offs will probably interfere.
I always hope they are eliminated so kids can enjoy the outdoors.

Is that the little gentleman that handed me a pack of venison stix when we met? :)

First impressions are hard to forget. He was so cute and so cordial in just the few minutes we talked.

My son is also a freshman in college now. Still pinching myself, often wondering how it all happened so fast. He is quickly becoming his own man, and my "cool factor" from years ago is now too often times a battle of the minds and egos.

Brandon shot his first duck at 6 years old. First deer at 10. First turkey at 10. First 5+ lb bass(largie) at around 10. First 20+ inch smallie at 8. Too many things to list.
Sadly(in an odd sort of way), he was a big sports guy. Its been very spotty hunting for him for the previous 5 years. Hockey took over his life. Looking back, he did what he loved, but he also loves hunting deeply and had to put it aside. Now here we are, he is an adult and still has a love and passion for hunting and fishing. But he is slowly entering his next phase of life, which also entails him spending more time away from us; little by little. He applied for NDSU last week. So we will find out this week what is next.

He was born at 26.5 weeks.. Yep,, 13.5 weeks early. A whopping weight of 3lbs 1 oz.

Quite a success story. Hard to believe it was 19 years ago on Nov 27th that he entered our lives.

You have a lot to look forward to Riggs. Have tons of fun.

Remember and respect the past, enjoy the "now", and the future will take care of itself!

Take a kid fishing - and you make their day.
Take you mentor fishing - and you make both your days!!
Every kid is different, but mine are 10 (girl), 8 (boy) and 6 (boy). My daughter has waffled back and forth on whether she wanted to go along hunting and if she wanted to hunt. I have not pushed it a bit, and now she is showing more interest in wanting to shoot (bow and gun) and wanting to hunt. She is such an animal lover, it will be interesting to see how her brain processes everything- I know you guys understand what I mean. One of the reasons I believe she is showing more interest is because the 8 year old got his first turkey this spring. I had all three hunting together with me in deer season (I was the shooter and killed a buck) and in turkey season (8 year old was the shooter and didn't get a shot that day), so those experiences have become important. I will try to put all three on deer in youth season with them having the opportunity to shoot, and we will see what happens. The 8 year old wouldn't have been ready when he was 6, but I think the 6 year old is ready now. In PA, the mentored hunting program gives the parent the power to decide when the youngster is ready, given they hunt within certain parameters governing who carries the gun and the oversight required. All 3 of mine LOVE shooting the bow.
I know what you mean Jeff, my oldest has always been an excellent shot with a bow, but she would not be able to deal with "killing" an animal, even though she is 26 years old and understands completely what is "involved" in "harvesting" food, even the stuff from the grocery store. My 21 yo daughter has no qualms about pulling the trigger on any type of game and has harvested a couple deer and turkeys already. When big sister asked her one time how she could shoot those "cute deer" she replied, "Right between the eyes!", needless to say big sister wasn't impressed with her response. lol