A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

I'd be losin' some sleep with the food scarcity .......... 😲
Saw something interesting the other day. I decided to set in my blind and watch a while one evening. The resident deer slowly came creeping out of every nook-and-cranny and were munching on a little of everything.

At one place I can see nearly 3/4 of a mile across my place onto the neighbors bean field. I noticed a group of 6 deer coming my way through the beans.

When they got to my place the first place they went was to a persimmon tree. They scent checked every limb they could reach to see if any had ripened. I thought to myself - why not just come on over and join the party - save yourself some footsteps.
Very nice bucks. Had some young bucks in hard horn this morning. Good luck.
Very nice bucks. Had some young bucks in hard horn this morning. Good luck.
Good luck to you too.
Yes, it won't be long until the fighting arena spot will be a busy place.