I thought I would give an update on the plots. It was 22 days ago that I planted, and it has been very dry. We were already dry before I planted. It rained 3 days after I planted so most everything germinated, but it has been bone dry since that time.
The plots in the low places don't seem to be suffering much yet. I don't know how they have grown this much with so little rain, but I guess the low area and the morning dews are helping. First pic below is one of the best looking places by the old barn.
This next pic is the same plot but the ground is just a little higher, and I'm sure the big bluestem nearby is sucking some of the water. It's not as good here but still not suffering too much. I also noticed that not much clover or cereal grains had come up here - mostly brassicas, peas and chicory.
Yesterday I mowed shooting lanes for the fall. This is the last time this year I will be in the fields. In the pic below you can see one of the roads I mowed and also a plot next to the woods. This is on high ground. Look at how just outside the woods in the hot sun the dirt is so visible, but back in the woods a little you can see some green.
I found a wild strawberry bush yesterday that I had never seen before. I think the only reason it hadn't been browsed was because it came up near the road. I've walked by this a couple of times this year and hadn't even noticed it.
Here are a few more pics from yesterday. I love how the fields look at this time of year. Indian Grass just bolted and flowered last week. Hope you enjoy these. Hoping rain comes soon for the new plots.