Winter cover crop termination in December ?


5 year old buck +
Mission: Plant something now on 5 AC bare dirt to choke/shade out weeds until a December pollinator plot can be drilled during the dormancy period 6b zone

Need ideas as to what will jump up quick as the field has been burned down chemically and I do not want to keep mowing n spraying

I understand Wheat does not respond well to herbicides as it would be in a period of near dormancy ..
Buckwheat may be a possibility and frost kills fairly well plus we some times do not get a killing frost until November ??

Any other grains/ideas would be welcome ...this is an unusual problem due to late planting (dirt pan work) so I suspect not many have ever tangled with this kind of problem but hey ..all ideas are good ideas if you don't have many to choose from!

Maybe heavy oats. Frost will kill them but by then the weeds should be late to the party.