Well, I was at tractor supply yesterday, picked up a tube for a front tire on tractor that just would not seat bead, had to pump it up every time I use the tractor. Got tire off, tube in, tire back in and ran the disc over 3 acres, added some corn to a plot where I ran out, and lastly, somehow upset the other front and lost the air/ valve stem rotated in rim. took tire off, got valve back through hole, at 10 lbs let the vise grips off stem to continue filling and valve went back in the rim, off again, back through hole, kept grips on but would not build pressure past 12 lbs, leaking. grrrrr. slime was no help, too big a leak. headed to ts again this am, and putting in. I need to drag the disc over a few areas still to break up major chunks, then it is over to saw mode. I have a big box elder that came down into one plot that I need to remove. then if time allows, I have Plots 1, 2, and 11 that are too thick to plow, plot 14 needs spot spray need gly. Plot 4 needs cleth. should have started earlier, but I was suffering a caffeine deficiency this am.