Who's working in the woods this weekend?

put 100 lbs of seed down thursday, rr corn, one large plot, all I have managed to do this spring yet, other than look at the weedy mess the rest of the pots are.
Replanted one of my sunflower fields with millet. Sunflowers were planted over three weeks ago and havent seen a rain. Even if they had come up now, they would have been too late for dove season. Browntop millet has a 60 day maturity - but it still needs rain. Going to replant one of my five acres eagle seed bean plots the hogs destroyed - going to try some lablab. Will do that on Monday. Going to plant another five acre soybean field on Sunday.

looks good, make sure you include innoculant for the lablab, give it that boost that it deserves.
Got a side project brewing...

Trying my hand at a couple grape cuttings.
Plan to turn em loose this fall an see what happens.


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Phase 5 is complete,

Got the 5 different MG screens planted.
Not sure how some of you can pull it off.
I only planted 240 of the things an I am fried.

Also got some cuttings planted.
Some hybrid poplars, silky willows, yellow twig dog wood, an weeping willows.

An due to the 4 day stretch of 90 plus weather we have had. Decided to bust out the water wagon for a trip around to give anyone new a drink.

Shot to say the least
After everything this spring. I'm almost looking forward to moving on from planting season for the year.

But, only have one major project left, have to push on.
I pushed on a bit too much today, did batle royal with russian olive, I had let a strip go between a plot and a large field, no I could only see legs or catch motion and not know what the heck just walked by. only an 80 yd long screen, but over the years it had gotten 35 to 40 feet wide. waste of plot space and did I mention I couldn't tell what walked by the top side? well 1/3 cut and dragged off, next third cut and dropped, one third remains, but I over did it, arm crams, leg cramps, many thorns and cuts. Might maintain this in the future with my spray rig and spray wand, 2 oz gly per gal. Watched a few turkeys in the distance working over the planted corn, looking for nuggets that they could fing. Kinda surprised I didn't see a nest in the row I was cutting as they usually lay in that row.
Finally got a chance to use the seed drill I bought over a year ago. It has 9 seed slots and I duct taped 4 of them to give about 12" between rows. Was able to put in 6 acres of soy beans. It was a smoldering 95 deg F this weekend and was so glad to have this machine. Normally I have a chest seeder with about 30 lbs of seed in in. The seeder worked pretty well and I was surprised how accurate it was with a bag of seed per acre, planted 300 lbs of beans.

I then put a high 12' screening strip of seed made up of redtop hybrid forage sorghum, german millet, grain sorghum, sunflower, & some corn around the two 2.5 & 3.5 acre plots. Then used this same mix to separate the teach plot into sections of 3.

Happy to report phase 6 is complete.

Thus ends all major plantings for the year.
1 750ft thermal screen, 1 row each rmj, erc, an common elderberry.
1 550ft thermal screen, 1 row erc, 1 row rmj
Both guarding cattail sloughs with the hope of keeping snow out of them to increase dead of winter bedding when the fight for life is at its peak.

Each one got hand watered, an a final step in. Still need to get the fabric down, but that is for another day.

Happy to have this one behind me.


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Well, I was at tractor supply yesterday, picked up a tube for a front tire on tractor that just would not seat bead, had to pump it up every time I use the tractor. Got tire off, tube in, tire back in and ran the disc over 3 acres, added some corn to a plot where I ran out, and lastly, somehow upset the other front and lost the air/ valve stem rotated in rim. took tire off, got valve back through hole, at 10 lbs let the vise grips off stem to continue filling and valve went back in the rim, off again, back through hole, kept grips on but would not build pressure past 12 lbs, leaking. grrrrr. slime was no help, too big a leak. headed to ts again this am, and putting in. I need to drag the disc over a few areas still to break up major chunks, then it is over to saw mode. I have a big box elder that came down into one plot that I need to remove. then if time allows, I have Plots 1, 2, and 11 that are too thick to plow, plot 14 needs spot spray need gly. Plot 4 needs cleth. should have started earlier, but I was suffering a caffeine deficiency this am.
I sprayed today. Planting Browntop and jap millet for the rain forecast Tuesday thru Friday next week
Pretty much something everyday. Gonna spray a miserable, dried sunflower patch with cleth tomorrow. Sprayed gly today on the browntop/proso millet patch that never germinated due to drought. Going to try to keep it sprayed down this summer to maybe keep the weeds beat back. Yesterday, seeded some chiwappa millet in one of the drying duck holes (pic of area). Day before was approaching another duck hole to plant some chiwappa millet in the mud and interrupted a big boar hog having his way with the planting ground. Monday, I am going to go pick up my 7’ bush hog from the shop - hit a piece of railroad iron.
teeth like a 2 bottom pow on that one......... any good eating out of one like that?

I ended up being able to swap the bad tube out on my one tire, ran disc over plots 6, 7, and 15. SWitched back to the plow and hit plot 5, it was wet, but got what I could done with it.
bit too breezy to spray so that will get done at a later date. real nice day out weather wise. going to need fert for my corn soon.
teeth like a 2 bottom pow on that one......... any good eating out of one like that?

I ended up being able to swap the bad tube out on my one tire, ran disc over plots 6, 7, and 15. SWitched back to the plow and hit plot 5, it was wet, but got what I could done with it.
bit too breezy to spray so that will get done at a later date. real nice day out weather wise. going to need fert for my corn soon.
teeth like a 2 bottom pow on that one......... any good eating out of one like that?

I ended up being able to swap the bad tube out on my one tire, ran disc over plots 6, 7, and 15. SWitched back to the plow and hit plot 5, it was wet, but got what I could done with it.
bit too breezy to spray so that will get done at a later date. real nice day out weather wise. going to need fert for my corn soon.

The big boars are pretty gamey. Some folks make sausage out of them. Once in a blue moon, I will butcher one for the smoker. My wife wont eat a wild hog. She was a science teacher for 30 years and understands what kinds of diseases hogs might carry. No doubt, the disease risk is overblown - but it is there. She says when the SHTF and we are starving to death - then she will eat them. I cant hardly give them away. Pretty much everyone that wants one has ten. I have killed just over 120 on my property since last September. I have been able to give away about ten of them. When you live among them like we do, you start thinking of them like rats - or coyotes - and you become about as prone to eat them as you would a rat.
I went out yesterday and watered my fruit trees. We went from winter drought to a wet spring and now back to no rain and heat indexes in the 100s. Hopefully my watering helps. Nothing but High 90s forecast for the next two weeks.
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almost too hot to plot...... as a bit of luck had it, I remembered to bring a bristle brush with me yesterday and did some fin cleaning on the ole radiator........ I had been running near the red, now running near the cold, amazing what 5 minutes can do for the tractor.
well in anticipation of workin the woods this weekend, I picked up 5 bags of 25 5 20 for my corn, and 2 lbs of 63 day sweet corn for me to enjoy should I get lucky and get a few ears to myself, I'll hide it in a few rows with the RR corn for deer.
well in anticipation of workin the woods this weekend, I picked up 5 bags of 25 5 20 for my corn, and 2 lbs of 63 day sweet corn for me to enjoy should I get lucky and get a few ears to myself, I'll hide it in a few rows with the RR corn for deer.

Good luck with the sweet corn. Is it RR?
nah, by the time it goes in the weeds will have been gotten killed and no that worried about a little ground level competition that may show up once the sweet corn rows get turned
Had to water all my chestnut and fruit trees today. No worthwhile rain in the past week, or the 10 day forecast, and heat indexes near 100 every day.
Drought has taken a bunch of seedlings. I’ve got tree tubes coming out my ears.
Going to treat some more locusts with Pathfinder and cut down some hedge and elm trees