Who's working in the woods this weekend?

This is plot Number 2 this is the one that got Durana Clover and purple top turnip. One of them local inspectors came by to check on my progress and came within bow range before he decided he didn't like what he saw sitting on the tractor....

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I’m getting a prebuilt shed delivered Friday that’ll be used as a hunting shack. Yeah, I went that route instead of others I’ve asked about.

I’ll sleep in it this weekend while I take care of my brassica plot. If the forecasted rain looks like a reality I might spread urea. I’ll have a good long look at my new access trail and drag it to smooth it out.

Can’t wait!
well, lets all hope my seed didn't get washed away, fglooding, stupid heavy rains. one car dealership lost half a lot of cars to a creek that flash flooded..... meanwhile I was upstate mowing the lawn and filling recycle bin.
We cant buy a rain. I was out spraying chemical the last 2 days.
Checked a small area that was logged bout 7 yrs ago and never really regenerated much so after about five years I cut down some more junk trees they left to make a little bigger opening and planted some oaks in tubes. Besides the usual wasp nests, a bunch of them had some other tenants. Took some pics of a few of them.
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just read the official, 3.92 inches of rain here saturday.........

3 miles up the road from me.........

Just ordered 15 LBS fixation balansa (sp) clover from welters, another trial plot up and coming.......... after the crazy rain here it may be an emergency plot plant.
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just got back from taking a look at my plots, looks like all but one survived the deluge, the one that didn't fare well is about a 30 % loss with soil washed in from the fields above. my plots were prepped, seeded, got rain, now I need sun! Hope we do not go right back to 90 degree heat and dry, seedlings wont stand a chance.
Between five and nine inches of rain fell down at Seneca Lake the day we got back from Colorado. What a mess. Boats washed off trailers into the lake, yards washed away. The steep hills surrounding the lake exacerbated the flooding. Up here, we got less than an inch. In Colorado, we got nothing for two whole weeks on the Western side of the mountains. It's been a bad drought and there's a bunch of fires raging. The Yampa river was closed to fishing (and tubing) due to the high temperatures and low flow.

Is it just me, or is the weather getting stranger? Although drought is no stranger out West, I suppose. It looks like we're out of the drought here in WNY, which means everything's growing again and the trails will likely get mowed this weekend. And it's almost fall planting time!!
so much for getting on top of the remaining 2 plots this weekend, just got another 1.25 inches of rain in an hour. last two plots will be mud for a few days again, maybe I'll get out to growmark and see what they have in the way of chemicals or seed that I might "need"
Got my small plots planted right as the rain started.
Tilled and planted about a 1/4 acre plot yesterday. Cant remember that last time I breathed in that much dust. If anybody is interested I planted it with winter peas, sunflowers, winter rye, tillage radishes, and rape.

Plot tilled and seeded, rain in the forecast, almost a sure bet that it will rain everywhere except where I need it to.
so much for getting on top of the remaining 2 plots this weekend, just got another 1.25 inches of rain in an hour. last two plots will be mud for a few days again, maybe I'll get out to growmark and see what they have in the way of chemicals or seed that I might "need"

Wish I could bottle some the east coast rain and take it West. I'm tired of mowing grass at home!
And I'm tired of watering young trees.
just got back from growmark in Bloomsburg, got 12 bags rye, 1 50 lb med red clover, 3 bags 28 13 13. 4 of the rye, the fert, and 1/2 of the med red clover are for a customer, going to rent a bobcat for 2 days and open up some plots for him in his sunny woods. 2 days with the skid steer, and another day planting should net him some killer plots.

too much rain here Bill, mud everywhere!
Tilled and planted about a 1/4 acre plot yesterday. Cant remember that last time I breathed in that much dust. If anybody is interested I planted it with winter peas, sunflowers, winter rye, tillage radishes, and rape.

Plot tilled and seeded, rain in the forecast, almost a sure bet that it will rain everywhere except where I need it to.

Rain missed us entirely. The radar looked great but all we got was a light mist. I'm glad i tilled in everything except the radishes and rape.
Well my corn did better this year already than it did last year. I have much better production. Guess it like that extra bag of fertilizer. the plot I put in with turnips and Durana Clover is doing well too. You can really see the turnips, the Clover is coming up, and I had one Deere feeding on turnips already when I walked up to the field. I was also able to get on top of my last two wet plots, just barel7 able to make it out of plot 7, boy that was muddy. Could not wait any longer to plant so in went the mix, bit of a leftovers plot. 7 got 7 card stud, crimson and med red clover. Plot 6 was way better than I thought it was going to be, got a good disc on that, and in went 100 lbs winter rye, 15 lbs fixation balansa, and 2 lbs PTT. the plot grew in size as well, I keep rolling the feild off the edge and gained about 6 foot wide, by 120 yds. I hope it wasn't too early for the winter rye.


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was down again today for about 3 hours, had a "road" closing in on all sides, damn that russian olive grows fast, chainsaw and drag, toss... then after the weeds I had to knock them down, so I used my disc, 5 passes each way and now I have a 16 foot wide roadway that won't scratch my truck. Doesn't hurt that I can now see down it about 400 yards from one of my stands.............
I got my dove plot ready. Then ran a chainsaw most of the weekend as well as bush hogging trails to my stands.
We had rain in the forecast Wednesday through Friday this week with a 90% chance of rain. With a wedding to go to over the weekend I figured this was my best chance for getting my plots planted. Rye, Oats and peas with red clover in my three basic regular plots and rye and oats with Ladino on my food plot trails.
I got the three trails done easily and my new quarter acre plot too. Disc, seed cultupack and then clover. Then the fun started. This was my third year plotting so I guess I was due for a break down. First my disc broke. Then the ATV. Really wished I had a tractor instead of an ATV. My 1/3 of an acre plot is mostly dirt anyway from the drought. I had it less than half done so I just threw the seed down on the dirt hoping rain will do the rest. My other quarter acre plot was sprayed about a week ago, weeds had taken it over. There’s a pretty good die down going there so I just threw the seed down into the dying weeds and will hope for the best. Of course now our rain chance is down to a 60% chance on Wednesday and nothing Thursday but maybe I’ll get lucky. I’ll have plots but two of them may be less than perfect. Oh well, we’ve Been lucky with equipment for three years. I guess we were due for a challenge. Last year’s drought was worse than this year and we still salvaged our plots with some rye. If these two areas don’t make it I’ll find a good rain in the future and throw down some more rye.
took a peak today and wow, turnips are kicking but, durana is startin to show good sign.........