What to wear......


5 year old buck +
The 308 axis or the 1967 glenfield 30-30. Both never harvested deer. Opening day of rifle for NY is saturday. Haven't had the flintlocks out in a treestand in a while either......


How do you guys pick what to use?
I hunt with a 308. I just love the cartridge and the bullet selection.

In Ohio I use whatever I can borrow from my dad, these days either a 350 legend or a 45-70, depending on what my brother in law wants to use. I was considering carrying a 357 Magnum Colt Python this year just in case a small deer came within range of my tree stand.
Can't decide? You probably need to buy another. There is a gap in your line up, and the 7.62x54R would fill it nicely.
Why choose?

I spend most of my time in the woods hunting, thinking about what I will bring next year. Invariably I buy one, maybe two things in between and that screws up the decision. (I bought two rifles in October and it's killing my to not bring them, but I made sure NOT to do anything with them. Mounted scopes but made sure NOT to shoot them)

How many guns I bring depends on what I think my odds are of not breaking down on the way there. lmao
When I was younger, I'd bring 6, 7, 8... different guns with me and never hunt more than one day or a half a day with one. That was pushing my luck.

Now I view it like a golfer choosing a club. If I'm hunting here, I choose this one. If I'm sitting watching this clear cut, this one. Still hunting this side of the mountain, that ones. (I might as well, I already own all the clubs.) 😉 Happened again a couple days ago, "I'm only bring this, this and this." But I think, what's the point of owning them then? So even more made the cut.
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I think Blazer makes some nice double rifles in 7.62x54R.

Even with a scope on it now, that glenfield 30-30 is one lightweight gun. Was even better with a peep sight. Getting a bit old ot hunt with peeps on foot. Maybe from a stand like 75 yards or so. Glenfields were made with a beech stock versus heavier wood marlin used. Walnut or oak I thought they used too. No microgroove barrel, but groups around 1-1.5" at 100 with 15 yar old remington cor-lokts.

My Lyman Great plains 54 ca flintlock still has a lyman peep on it. Probably shouldn't in PA woods in january. Think they haven't changed the open sight rule. LAst time I was there game warden checked my tags and said next time make sure the gun is open sights..... Im overdue for another PA season been a few years.

Dont want to offically say Im done buying guns. I am hapy with what I have. 223 bolt gun would be a nice addition to plinking. Another deer rifle, likely a nice 308 browning or a remington 700. I like my long range guns to be on the heavy side. Remington knew how to pour some extra iron on the 700's. MY to-do list before december's muzzleloader is to fill up the open spots on a plastic stock of a muzzleloader. Got a cheap CVA last year or two ago for a loaner gun for the wife and daughter in law. Shooting 180gr 40 cal bullets in a harvester sabot with just 60grs of FFFg goex. Gun is so light it's kinda snappy. Scope bit me last year sighting it.
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Getting a bit old ot hunt with peeps on foot.
😞 Yep, spent the last thirty plus years and untold dollars assembling a collection of rifles I can no longer shoot. So cruel.
I got a pretty pathetic 10 gun safe. I stuff the dirty dozen in there. Been trying to keep it stuffed with goodies, but they all got to fit in there. Would like to ditch a cheesy 22 or 2 to make a bit of room, but those things aren't worth squat really.

Saving the pennies for a vacation home for the wife.
I put one on consignment in a shop a couple weeks ago. "I love it, but I can't see the sights". (and probably hadn't shot it it 15+ years.) Wasn't so much that I need the money as much as I need the space. They asked what I was hoping to get out of it and I told them it didn't really matter. There was no way in the world it would ever sell for what it would take for me to get my money back. (with 25 years of inflation)

I got a lot of guns and little else.
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I put one on consignment in a shop a couple weeks ago. "I love it, but I can't see the sights". (and probably hadn't shot it it 15+ years.) Wasn't so much that I need the money as much as I need the space. They asked what I was hoping to get out of it and I told them it didn't really matter. There was no way in the world it would ever sell for what it would take for me to get my money back. (with 25 years of inflation)

I got a lot of guns and little else.
I helped a guy move guns and gun cabinets last week and it seems like I have had the same conversation a few times since. I knew a guy who had more guns than anyone I ever met, literally hundreds and some of them pushing six figures according to the values at the time. He said it was like coke, and he couldn't stop, but I am pretty sure things worked out better for him than it did John Belushi.

My gun cabinet says it can hold up to 22 rifles, but reality says half of that is too much. I always want the one that's way in the back.....
Talked to wife last night. My place I usually hunt opening day is being harvsted now. Porch hunting oening day today with the 308. Cat was banging on screen door about 10 minutes ago. Soon as I opened door heard a real close shot. Had to be about 500 yards away. LAst place I wanted a doe tag in NY was my backyard 4Y, but they gave it to me.
I’m a good uncle I guess. Once again I gave up the spot I planned to hunt and let my nephew go there. (He’s not a kid). So I’m in my tree stand with the gun I’d mind dropping out of it the least. lol

I’ve seen some ravens, crows and a hawk overhead but other than that, nothing big or small. So about normal. lol
I heard it stated

Beware of someone with only one rifle.
He will know it well.

I hate to admit it , but I have compromised myself using rifles in my collection hunting that I wasn’t competently familiar with.