Why choose?
I spend most of my time in the woods hunting, thinking about what I will bring next year. Invariably I buy one, maybe two things in between and that screws up the decision. (I bought two rifles in October and it's killing my to not bring them, but I made sure NOT to do anything with them. Mounted scopes but made sure NOT to shoot them)
How many guns I bring depends on what I think my odds are of not breaking down on the way there. lmao
When I was younger, I'd bring 6, 7, 8... different guns with me and never hunt more than one day or a half a day with one. That was pushing my luck.
Now I view it like a golfer choosing a club. If I'm hunting here, I choose this one. If I'm sitting watching this clear cut, this one. Still hunting this side of the mountain, that ones. (I might as well, I already own all the clubs.)

Happened again a couple days ago, "I'm only bring this, this and this." But I think, what's the point of owning them then? So even more made the cut.