Need to Vent


5 year old buck +
Brother in law lets me hunt his remote property a touch under 2 hours away. I talked about the 80 acre parcel that is very hit / miss on deer.

The main property would be the apple of most deer hunters eye...... But........

He doesn't want to be brothered with BS. Dealing with trespassers mostly. Neighbors 2 houses down come in opening day of rifle and drive deer. Can't call the cops on them, can't get them to stop. Now this year they drove their truck in. Hunted till 1030am, only saw a few does. Dd have a tag, but passed. Walked back to my trailer, the guys and their truck are driving all the fallow field areas.

I was more back in than usual. Might of been lessed pissed If I knew they were there and just stayed another hour or two. Think they got 2 on the property. Single shot pretty close 7:30amish. Then shots while I was packing up.

Felt tempted to call Encon today, they were driving deer, which is a NYS no-no. There were 4 guys, last year two of them had shotguns with vented rib barrels. Likely using buckshot. Another NYS no-no.

Used to be a chain up front. Put one up, and three yers ago it was gone. Both posts and chain. They do have contractors spray and fertilize. So, not sure who removed the posts. Could of been the neighbors.

Normally, I go bow hunting and have zero problems. This year went up both weekend of crossbow season. They were chopping corn.

Told these guys they can't hunt, but still come and I can't call the cops. Saw another hunter on the far NW along the herdgerow around 7am. Then about 45 minute later walking towards the North East on the neighboring farmland. Could of been one of the group. not sure. Purple X is their house. Woodstove in the garage burning opening day. Driveway full of pickup trucks.

Green dots are my treestands. ORange dots are travel lanes. Green circles are prime bedding spots. Normally, they drive the middle east swampy area. This year they did every place of deer refuge.

Just said screw it and left. Didn't even do some chores I was going to do. Plant a few trees, put a treestand up.minden-north.jpg
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His property is about 3 hours from his main farm. Doesn't want the hassle of cops, lawyers, idiots retaliating. He leases land mostly. He owns this parcel and another one about 5 minutes away. Talked about that in another thread. Does pushing 5000 acres of AG crops now., in NY, CT, and MA. He manages a friends dairy farm in CT and bought out his uncles farm about 5 hours away in the finger lakes.

Technically, they help him out. They thin the herd. Don't mind other folks hunting the spot, its not my spot. But, doing drives opening day morning of rifle season.

Funny enough the non-hunting neighbor calls my brother-in-law when I hunt there. Maybe they call when others go in too.


Said screw it. Put an offer on facebook for a commercial duty Baretto rototiller. Make my home property a bit better than I do already. Me and wife had discussion on how many acres I need. Told her a dozen or so min. Land with-in driving distance of NYC is crazy expensive. Big building boom since work from home is a big thing now. Neighboring old hobby horse farm of 40 acres is going for 1.4 million. Not a big exotic travel hunter. Ohio is talked about alot at work. But, for the taxes alone, I could go on one or two of those canned hunts a year.
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Can you lease the hunting rights from him? The guy I leased from wouldn't press charges either. Then I had a lawyer write in the lease that the lease gave me legal rights to prosecute any and all trespassing. Took him out of the equation which gave him a better feeling about being retaliated against.
Not much you can do with those circumstances. At least you don’t own it and have those problems. I know you’re just frustrated but, it sounds like time to forget that place and move on. Probably be easier on your health.
i'll definitely talk to my brother in law. ON the 80 acre parcel down the road, the neighbors would leave trespassing notes on my dash. My brother-in-law leases about 15 or 18 acres of his porperty, but the 80 is his. They said something and he came over to apologize to me.

So maybe something can be done there. MY borther-in-law is close with my wife's kids. They're 20,23,and 27. The oldest I get along with the best. He and his girlfriend hunt here n there. Just a handful of times rifle season and muzzleloading once or twice. They hunt the girlfriend's family parcel. The guy who owns it likely won't make it another year, and the family is already arguing again on who hunts, taxes, etc..... So, they'll be more interested in hunting up there.

I am tick squeamish. A coworker almost lost his kid to a tick disease 2 years ago. 18 year old kid has his heart whacked by the defibulator while he was in the hosptial. ex-cousin-in-law does tree service on the side and got that nasty newer disease too. Maintenance will be alot easier up there too now that I can stay overnight in my trailer.

Need to go in there in august and weed whack the sides of the hedgerows like early September. I do bow hunt and get decent bucks in there. At that property I do not have treestands with shooting rests.

Never been hassled once with bow season. So might just not rifle hunt there too as an option. 2 or 3 weeks into rifle, theyre never there either. Haven't seen a soul muzzleloading weekend either.

Going back up there next weekend, but will only hunt the 80 acres. Its harder to hunt. But, worse cast scenario I got a doe tag there. Got 25 apple trees I could plant now. Bunch of 4ft tall kerr ,big dog, blue pearmain, crossbow, doptine, and a couple of 8ft tall 30-06's.

The past few years, every time I get pissed off at camp in the Adirondacks. I hesitate leaving because this place has it own annoyances too.

Didn't bow hunt this year. Letting my torn bicep heal. Also, 1st week of october, got covid and been coughng all october.

For the record, not much difference hunting my backyard. Saw 3 does and a coyote yesterday up there. It about dawn now. Watching my backyard window. 2 does and a fox so far..
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What kind of tick disease almost kills a person? That is very concerning....
What kind of tick disease almost kills a person? That is very concerning....
This is a pretty good short read on the subject.

In NY, an inch is worth a kilometer. Call ENCON and ask they warn the guys.....if that doesnt do the trick, pretend the place never existed.
Back at the spot again.

Took friday off. Listening to Led Zepplin in the heated trailer. Poachers hopefully didnt take friday off....

Plan is to bow hunt this large parcel. Thrn rifle hunt little parcel. Theyre 5 minutes apart. Got blue pearmain, AWHO, and enterprise to plant this weekend at little parcel. Thatll help long term.
Ticks will not touch you if you spray your clothes with permethrin before going into the woods. Tractor Supply has it in concentrate. Just mix it as recommended in a spray bottle and spray you and your clothes before going into the woods. If a tick gets on you or your clothes it will die. Here in the piney woods of Lousiana ticks are everywhere but they never bother me since I started using permethrin.
What kind of tick disease almost kills a person? That is very concerning....
Google unit 731. We run that now.

Or don't. That's a deep hole.
Ticks will not touch you if you spray your clothes with permethrin before going into the woods. Tractor Supply has it in concentrate. Just mix it as recommended in a spray bottle and spray you and your clothes before going into the woods. If a tick gets on you or your clothes it will die. Here in the piney woods of Lousiana ticks are everywhere but they never bother me since I started using permethrin.
It helped up by me, but it wasn't 100%. When the ticks were really bad, I'd fling 200 a day off my pants. After permethrin treatment, at those same times I'd maybe only have 10-20 a day that wouldn't fall off on their own.

I replaced all of that with wide trails, a good mower, rubber boots, and staying out of tick habitat during tick season.
Same here SD.. sprays are like 80-90%. Pretty much swapped woods for water in the warmer months

Adirondack camp, never seen a single tick there. Been cold outside while i cut deer up. So never checked them for ticks. Never brought a cape hone either. Sure they had some .

I clear trsils and do plot work uo there rhough.
The utility I work for has crews throughout the northeast. While there are no "tick free" areas anymore, there definitely are pockets that are bad.
It helped up by me, but it wasn't 100%. When the ticks were really bad, I'd fling 200 a day off my pants. After permethrin treatment, at those same times I'd maybe only have 10-20 a day that wouldn't fall off on their own.

I replaced all of that with wide trails, a good mower, rubber boots, and staying out of tick habitat during tick season.
i have never had THAT MANY ticks get on me. I thought they were bad here but that’s BAD. I really thought ticks couldn’t survive the extreme cold of the north. Learned something today.
Same here SD.. sprays are like 80-90%. Pretty much swapped woods for water in the warmer months

Adirondack camp, never seen a single tick there. Been cold outside while i cut deer up. So never checked them for ticks. Never brought a cape hone either. Sure they had some .

I clear trsils and do plot work uo there rhough.
I killed a coyote crossing my pasture one summer and decided to pelt it out. That sucker was a tick magnet. All those ticks decided to move to me while I was skinning it.
About 10 years ago a buddy of mine killed a buck in the Allegheny national forest. I have never seen so many ticks in my life, it was absolutely disgusting
I'm in NY, what are you talking about that deer drives are a no no? They're perfectly legal and have been putting deer on the poles for decades.
Now you might be morally against them on opening day, but guys bumping deer is how a lot of mature bucks get killed by those of us patiently waiting in a stand. Sure they kill some nice deer too, and unfortunately wound more than they should, but it's not illegal or really even unethical.
I'm in NY, what are you talking about that deer drives are a no no? They're perfectly legal and have been putting deer on the poles for decades.
Now you might be morally against them on opening day, but guys bumping deer is how a lot of mature bucks get killed by those of us patiently waiting in a stand. Sure they kill some nice deer too, and unfortunately wound more than they should, but it's not illegal or really even unethical.
Here in Louisiana we run dogs and talk about exciting. Hearing the dogs and knowing that a deer is out in front of them gets the adrenaline up. A lot of people think it is an awful thing but they have probably never been on one of those hunts.

Sitting in a blind hoping that a deer will saunter by is boring. We have become shooters rather than hunters. I would much rather slip through the woods than sit in a blind any day.

Saying all of this, I still sit a blind and snipe at the occasional deer that comes to the food pile.