Well My Little Girl is Married


5 year old buck +
We had a crazy busy weekend with my one and only daughter Alex getting married. Her husband Koby asked me for her hand in marriage a year and a half ago and it's all my wife and her have talked about from that day on...with this past month going nuclear.
The forecast was for thunder showers all day and I had some mixed feelings about that needing some rain at the farm but not wanting the wedding to get soaked...it all worked out. In between the wedding and reception a big storm blew in and dumped a little over an inch in ten minutes then it cleared right up, they were able to get their pictures all done right before the storm.
I have to admit there were a few times Saturday that old Dad got plenty choked up...it was very different than having a son get married.
Here are a couple pics that I pulled off the photographers site.


I gotta say man, your daughter is incredibly beautiful. Like wow! You and your wife must be extremely proud. Congrats

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I second what kl9 said. Congrats!
Congratulations! My daughter got married last year to an Air Force officer and great guy. Very happy for them. They're stationed in Texas so a long way from Indiana.
PS- you didn't cry at the wedding, your eyes were sweating.
Congrats! An as others stated BEAUTIFUL young lady you raised there!
Congrats. I remeber the engagement pics in front of your old impliments.
Thanks for the kind wishes.
To the younger parents here enjoy every minute you can of having your kids close, the years go by faster than you think...all the of sudden the kids are grown.
What an incredibly beautiful woman. Congratulations!
Very meaningful day for all H2. Here is some more good news... in time, you will have more little ones around your feet, but this time, you can send them home with Mom and Dad. And the frirst time you hear them say, I love you grandpa, your heart will melt again, and you will know all is right in the world.
the pic of the wedding party.. the sky in the background. WOW incredible. the light sky on the brides side and the dark stormy on the groom side. coincidence?? LOL congrats to you and your daughter and new son in law.
Wow those are awesome pics. That shelf cloud in the group pic makes it pop. Congratulations to you and your daughter.
Like others have said Beautiful young woman. Brings me back to my wedding day. Somebody said to my 82 year old grandmother (now 98 and still kicking) How beautiful my wife looked. Her response, "She's 19 years old and it's her wedding day, If she doesn't look good now she never will" Cracks me up. It's going to be a sad day when she leaves us.
Congratulations! Very nice looking couple. Everyone looks very classy.
Congratulations. Awesome photos!
Very meaningful day for all H2. Here is some more good news... in time, you will have more little ones around your feet, but this time, you can send them home with Mom and Dad. And the frirst time you hear them say, I love you grandpa, your heart will melt again, and you will know all is right in the world.

I am so looking forward to that! That’s how I plan on spending my retirement one day... babysitting and spoiling the grandkids.
My wife and I married young I was 23 my wife 19 and thought we would be such young cool grandparents but our kids have taken their time finishing school and chasing careers, so far no grandkids yet. I’ll be 54 in a about month with retirement in sight a few years away and grandkids are the #1 thing we are planning on.
I am so looking forward to that! That’s how I plan on spending my retirement one day... babysitting and spoiling the grandkids.
My wife and I married young I was 23 my wife 19 and thought we would be such young cool grandparents but our kids have taken their time finishing school and chasing careers, so far no grandkids yet. I’ll be 54 in a about month with retirement in sight a few years away and grandkids are the #1 thing we are planning on.

That chokes me up a bit just hearing about it. My oldest daughter (17) just graduated high school and I struggled with that a bit. I can only imagine when she gets married how much harder it will be.

All my life I only wanted to have a son but instead I was blessed with four daughters. 17,7,5, and 3 and you surely are right about the time flying. Congratulations again it sounds like it was a very special day.
Congrats to you all. My kids are not quite there just yet.....but it's coming.....faster than I care to admit.

That chokes me up a bit just hearing about it. My oldest daughter (17) just graduated high school and I struggled with that a bit. I can only imagine when she gets married how much harder it will be.

All my life I only wanted to have a son but instead I was blessed with four daughters. 17,7,5, and 3 and you surely are right about the time flying. Congratulations again it sounds like it was a very special day.

Four girls! Your outnumbered brother.

I thought I was going to be fine Saturday and then when I saw her all done up in her dress all I could think of was her when she was a little girl tagging along wanting to go and do everything with the boys and I.
I couldn’t get the image out of my head of her one time when she was in third or fourth grade playing softball, she was up to bat and looked over her shoulder and winked at me.... and there she was a grown woman with a great career starting her married life with a very special guy.
I choked up, I admit it.
Four girls! Your outnumbered brother.

I thought I was going to be fine Saturday and then when I saw her all done up in her dress all I could think of was her when she was a little girl tagging along wanting to go and do everything with the boys and I.
I couldn’t get the image out of my head of her one time when she was in third or fourth grade playing softball, she was up to bat and looked over her shoulder and winked at me.... and there she was a grown woman with a great career starting her married life with a very special guy.
I choked up, I admit it.
Gulp! My 21 yr old daughter just got engaged a week ago.

He’s a great kid but he’s still taking our baby girl.