UTV Purchase

Have a honda 700 pioneer 4 seater. Perfect for what I need it for. Had a yamaha rhino for 12 years finally got a new machine. The 2 seats in the back fold down to make a large bed. Love it. Spend 99% of time with the seats down. Very quiet for a sxs. Rides smooth, with plenty of torque and speed. Don't use speed that often. Pulls a 8 foot trailer with 18 50lbs bags of corn . Can put 12 bags of corn in bed with no problems. Back seats are small especially for an adult. Perfect for kids. Have had it for nearly a year.
I am one that doesn't really understand the utv craze. What can I do with it that I cant do with a pickup? I do have a regular atv which is nice because it is small and can get to many places that my truck cant. Plus it can fit in the back of truck and don't need an extra trailer.

All day long on my ranger. No part of the day in my 4WD pu. Not only that, my pickup is taller, wider, longer, heavier - no way, no how is it as nimble in the woods

All day long on my ranger. No part of the day in my 4WD pu. Not only that, my pickup is taller, wider, longer, heavier - no way, no how is it as nimble in the woods

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This all day long. Ive got a honda 700-4. If something happened to it I would replace it the next day.
These with the box are the greatest work UTV in the world. I have owned 2 of them since they came out and I couldn't live without one. They are great for hunting and ice fishing too.

As far as tipping over easily, NOT A CHANCE!! Never even been close to tipping it over in 20 years of use. You would really have to try to tip one over.
I've certainly rolled the 4 wheeler enough! Last time right in front of the state forestry guy!
These with the box are the greatest work UTV in the world. I have owned 2 of them since they came out and I couldn't live without one. They are great for hunting and ice fishing too.

As far as tipping over easily, NOT A CHANCE!! Never even been close to tipping it over in 20 years of use. You would really have to try to tip one over.
The one at the refuge I worked at got rolled 3 times that I know about. They finally made us get rid of it and buy another 6x6 ranger. And we all had mandatory atv rider training.
My ranger will run circles around a 4x4 truck. in the winter when we're hauling corn around or taking a skidder lane thru the woods, with a chainsaw or tree stand on the back, there's no way I'd take my pickup in there. Maybe if you've got a beater tacoma or something, but tires that float, a light UTV, etc...

I use my utv to run a cultipacker. And its a lotta fun to drive around with the kids on a sunday afternoon too. Wont get that in an f150
Electric UTV buyer's regret...don't do it. Between battery maintenance (which we did a great job), fried components, hauling it back'n forth for repairs, new batteries because of a dead cell and on and on. My experience with both a refurbished golf cart and a Polaris EV were abysmal.

I'm back to a gas burner...just don't have time to be working on unreliable equipment when there's real work to get done.
Electric UTV buyer's regret...don't do it. Between battery maintenance (which we did a great job), fried components, hauling it back'n forth for repairs, new batteries because of a dead cell and on and on. My experience with both a refurbished golf cart and a Polaris EV were abysmal.

I'm back to a gas burner...just don't have time to be working on unreliable equipment when there's real work to get done.

My neighbor depends on my gas burner ranger to tow his EV ranger back home.
Electric UTV buyer's regret...don't do it. Between battery maintenance (which we did a great job), fried components, hauling it back'n forth for repairs, new batteries because of a dead cell and on and on. My experience with both a refurbished golf cart and a Polaris EV were abysmal.

I'm back to a gas burner...just don't have time to be working on unreliable equipment when there's real work to get done.

me to. I had a Polaris EV. Got rid of it mostly because the charge wouldn’t out last me. It was a pain constantly adding water. After that I went to mid sized Polaris 900 and loved it. Just traded it last year for a 1000. The midsize was nicer for getting around tight spaces and had plenty of room.

The 1000 has A/C so it’s my favorite. I still have my 06 Polaris 4 wheeler that gets about 2 miles put on it a year. I won’t get rid of it because if you get a deer in a really bad place it and it’s winch will go get it.

Having said that, any side by side will feel like an upgrade from a 4 wheeler just from a hauling stuff standpoint. Doesn’t hurt that there’s a roof in the rain and if you get a cab forget about it, you’ll never go back.
This is how I roll...

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
This is how I roll...

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Sweet ride. How much do those cost?

Obviously some like their rangers. I will stick with my atv's.
Sweet ride. How much do those cost?

Obviously some like their rangers. I will stick with my atv's.

About the same as a big Ranger, not cheap. But, there is no comparison. I own three, getting ready to sell one. I run a trap line that's about 25 miles long every morning before work. It's nice to be inside a cab, a real cab, with heat, A/C, wipers, etc.
Times like these I'm glad I'm on a smaller vehicle :emoji_head_bandage:. And yes...I was the driver both times. Same day. By the time I finally took the time to load it into the truck bed, I was apparently too tired to properly secure it. Ten seconds into the ride, it bounced right through my rear window.

Im a Ranger 570 man

2 thumbs up

I too have a 570 full size
You can buy some of those trucks for 2500
Polaris Ranger XP 1000 and be done with it. If you have bottom ground/gumbo get the right tires but other than that, keep gas in it, straightforward maintenance, and get your work done. Never even broke a sweat on the HP front, goes way faster than I'd ever need, hauls a bunch of chainsaws, seed, drip torches, dead deer, and on and on.
You can buy some of those trucks for 2500

Yea, like everything else. There are a lot of them roaming around with some major problems. I've got a nice 95 I'm going to sell, but the thermostat is sticking. Need to fix that and sell it, since I bought the new one I posted earlier.
I just bought a Kubota Sidekick. Some really good prices on older inventory and they are moving fast. I believe the deals end at the end of the month.