Unusual hiding places for mature bucks

My cousin lives in a pretty affluent neighborhood outside Pittsburgh. Behind his house is a valley that is off limits to hunting but the other side of the valley sees some activity every year. After opening day, which happens to be today, almost every house will have deer hiding around the decorative shrubs and bushes. They will hang around there for a couple weeks all day every day. They disappear at night to feed on the other side of the valley but are back before daylight.
Similar to Jack's story ^^^^. My next-door neighbor told me he heard a ruckus in his next-door neighbor's back yard ( on his other side ) the other day and couldn't figure out what the thumping and banging was. He looked over and saw a BIG 8 pt. come out between the houses, look up & down the street & then cross to a house where he almost fell on the coated driveway. It casually walked out behind that house, where that neighbor said he spent the next 1/2 hour hanging around before leaving. This is in a development of dozens of houses.
My brother lives at the bottom of a mountain up against a lake. Maybe 1 acre of woods that borders a stream that runs off the mountain that divides a handful of houses. Every year he has a giant buck living in that patch of woods and sometimes they will even bed down in his yard on the edge. The mountain is pounded by hunters and it does not take the deer long to move off the mountain and into the backyards. Some of the bucks have been mind blowing.
I have seen deer in general bed in some odd places. I have seen deer bed within 100 yards of an interstate in open hardwoods. I have seen them bed within 30 yards of a seldom used gravel road and they only got up once I stopped and backed up to see if I actually saw what I thought I saw. I have a small depression in a field that tends to grow more weeds than crops and they often combine around to reduce the weed seed. I have seen a doe and buck pair jump up from there and other out of the way small areas with hardly enough cover to hide a rabbit. I also have a small swamp area of just a few acres right along a gravel road and I have deer bed in there every year and it's not 100 yards from the grain dryer and it howls all night like when it's running and it doesn't seem to bother the deer.