Converting Invasive Thicket to Switch...

100% with you. Wondering how far she will travel as I would hire them in a heartbeat (and multiple years as well). Wow! Keep me posted and if you don’t mind the contact share - I sure would be interested.

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Will do. I have to assume it is some relatively new tech to use drones for this kind of stuff but I would expect it will catch on and someone will start doing it near you.
100% with you. Wondering how far she will travel as I would hire them in a heartbeat (and multiple years as well). Wow! Keep me posted and if you don’t mind the contact share - I sure would be interested.

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Also. Maybe instead of helicopter you could look into an airplane applicator, that was going to be my first option until this pooped up.
I am all about the drone idea.

While there are some very polarized thoughts w invasives there is a reality all must agree on; they’re not easy or cheap to get rid of. Someone might mutter than “don’t buy a property with them”… but I’d go back the preceding sentence and append that’s ignorance to think they’ll go away if they’re not your problem.

Will nuke and properly replace when I can make it happen and it improves hunting. JS got it right with people don’t buy land to battle invasives…

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Well folks, the chokeberry especially and many of the dogwood I planted back into the area has done VERY good surprisingly without fencing. The plan is to continue expanding the area of BH I'm hitting and hitting the reset button on regeneration on my property is a go for this next year.

Plan is to continue south from the checkered area hit this year with succes, also hitting then north as well (some is even off the picture below) and a small spot west of where I hit this year. Shaded areas in yellow:


Just going to keep doing more and more likely each year. We will also walk the previously cleared areas and spot treat with chemicals any regrowing bush honey suckle as well.
Update, (I promise pictures soon)

Pulled cards quick in this clearing (hung on a discovered crab apple tree that is a great producer). Was tough to tell but a ton of the chokeberry and dogwood appear to have been located and nipped down by the deer. I didn't have the time to linger long and lot of dying weeds and big blue stem stalks from what seed of that took that I spread as I had some leftover.

The area is for sure struggling to regen with woody items but it's only been half a growing period and we will see what the spring brings. I am thinking of expediting some cover options with a few mature (5 gallon) potted red osier and chokeberry bushes a landscaping buddy has leftover as stock and will make me a deal on. He's also got a full 8 foot multi trunked service berry he said I can take as a few trunks broke in transport and he cannot install at jobsites...also think a fencing plan for a few of the planted chokes and red osier will occur as well (give them one or two years unharmed) so they can withstand and actually be triggered to grow better with brows.

Have a ton of young white pines growing in one part of the property, might try transplanting a couple as well for something different and fast growing (just one or two don't want more).
How many bh sprouted from seed? I just cleared half an acre of black locust and took out 4 giant berry producers and am curious how many will sprout.
How many bh sprouted from seed? I just cleared half an acre of black locust and took out 4 giant berry producers and am curious how many will sprout.

A lot of young telling if from berry or shoots off existing root system. Now that it is a year removed most of the plants should be big enough to be easily identified and this spring early I'll be going around painting them with high concentration herbicide mix.

I'll be expanding further into the project again to remove more BH...likely another acre will go....the bigger issue than even the BH for me is the bittersweet vines...that crap is just insane - and much harder to treat IMO, however I'll be trying to do that this spring as well, if I don't that stuff will choke out the entire area.