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Trump For Prez- Hillary For Prison!

The MSM truly is a bias cesspool.
Tie her tubes, Pronto...
I just prefer she just go away - she can be someone else's problem!!!!!
I just prefer she just go away - she can be someone else's problem!!!!!

She will. He will grow tired of her nonsense. Cute only goes so far. start hitting Him with with some of the best relationship I ever got. "When the pain out weighs the's time to amputate."
I just prefer she just go away - she can be someone else's problem!!!!!

I have a brother like that who has a wife with the same issues ... we stopped involving them in family events 5 years ago ...

It's not your families job to accept her, it's her job to respect your family and your values ... ;)

Advice from someone who has already gone through this, better that your son is pissed off at you before your entire family is destroyed by a wack job ... been there, done that.... they never give in or look to fit in with your family. All about control and she will manipulate your son to the point that he has his balls removed ...
I'll stick with my original hope. Get the Supreme Court right!

That's generations BIG. We just dodged an ugly bullet.

Yep, this is certainly key. All set to replace Scalia. And how old is Ginsberg now? She's gotta be gettin' up there.
RBG is 83 and Stephen Breyer is 78. Both appointed by Bill Clinton.

It would be a hell of a thing if Trump had to replace Scalia and RBG and Breyer. :)
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RBG is 83 and Stephen Breyer is 78. Both appointed by Bill Clinton.

It would be a hell of a thing is Trump had to replace Scalia and RBG and Breyer. :)

Let's just hope and pray that he doesn't appoint any that turn out like David Souter (or for that mater even Roberts caving in on Obamacare). If a true conservative had filled Souter's shoes and served through the present Obama would have had a FAR tougher time pushing his liberal agenda.
She will. He will grow tired of her nonsense. Cute only goes so far. start hitting Him with with some of the best relationship I ever got. "When the pain out weighs the's time to amputate."

I have a brother like that who has a wife with the same issues ... we stopped involving them in family events 5 years ago ...

It's not your families job to accept her, it's her job to respect your family and your values ... ;)

Advice from someone who has already gone through this, better that your son is pissed off at you before your entire family is destroyed by a wack job ... been there, done that.... they never give in or look to fit in with your family. All about control and she will manipulate your son to the point that he has his balls removed ...

I can't even type about it here without getting extremely upset about it. What kills me the most is how she has turned him against his roots, the way he was raised, his friends and his family.....and he allows it to happen. He is going to learn the world is a cold and lonely place in the end when you put someone like that ahead of your friends and family.
I can't even type about it here without getting extremely upset about it. What kills me the most is how she has turned him against his roots, the way he was raised, his friends and his family.....and he allows it to happen. He is going to learn the world is a cold and lonely place in the end when you put someone like that ahead of your friends and family.

Hopefully, it works out sooner than later. And For the best. I guess there comes a point when you have to let them make their own mistakes. My step son finally woke up. But it took living in his car at a rest stop on the turnpike. He's still not perfect but at least he realizes he doesn't know everything like he thought he did.
Total BS! People are talking crap about Trump's youngest son and the media is all good with it. If anyone would have said one thing about Obama's children you would have been labeled a bigoted, racist, child basher. This just shows how terrible and two-faced our liberal media really is.
Total BS! People are talking crap about Trump's youngest son and the media is all good with it. If anyone would have said one thing about Obama's children you would have been labeled a bigoted, racist, child basher. This just shows how terrible and two-faced our liberal media really is.

All true, but personally I hope the media and Hollywood keep it up. The blatant bias during the election finally didn't go completly unnoticed. Now their just making fools of themselves and galvanizing the flyover vote.
Ought to be in for some damn big protest with the immigration related executive orders. Not sure how long these liberals are gonna remain peaceful. First real president that I have ever been proud of. The last 24 years have been pathetic. Damn glad to be one of the very earliest supporters of Trump.
I have to give it to Trump, he is actually doing everything he promised. It's funny to flip to CNN or MSNBC and watch their heads spinning...they stick to reporting petty nonsense and he keeps hitting home runs.
I hope he turns the dogs loose on the Clintons!
If he gets Mexico to pay for even half the wall, grand slam time!!

One democratic analyst even admitted if Mexico pays for the wall, game set and match--Trump.
I have to give it to Trump, he is actually doing everything he promised. It's funny to flip to CNN or MSNBC and watch their heads spinning...they stick to reporting petty nonsense and he keeps hitting home runs.

There's simply not enough time for CNN to brainwash the masses between orders...and when they do have a little time, he throws a curveball tweet threatening to send the Feds into Chicago before going to they have to waste morning airtime covering that. Haha!
Nobody will outwork Trump. The beltline has no idea the corporate fury that has been unleashed upon the gooberment.

NoFo hit the nail square.
^^^If you outlaw people from inside the US sending Western Union money back to Mexico they will find a way to pay for it in a real hurry cause that amount is huge and they wont want the flow to stop. When he starts renegotiating NAFTA they will find a way to pay for it. When we start dumping busloads of MS 13 criminals back onto their laps they will find a way to pay for it.
Oh yeah, regarding the Fed in Chicago tweet, Rahmie the Commie said, "Sure send Fed help! We'll take money and gun control laws." Bwahahahahahahahaha!!
There's simply not enough time for CNN to brainwash the masses between orders...and when they do have a little time, he throws a curveball tweet threatening to send the Feds into Chicago before going to they have to waste morning airtime covering that. Haha!

CNN quit broadcasting the Whitehouse press conferences live after Mondays because they have no way to control the truth that comes out in them. Now they edit the crap out of them so they can make some nonsense petty crap look like news.

Monday when Sean Spicer humanized the conference more than I have ever seen in the past, it rattled the liberals and I'm sure won over any wanting real bipartisanship that aren't rabid militant party line Democrats.
Oh yeah, regarding the Fed in Chicago tweet, Rahmie the Commie said, "Sure send Fed help! We'll take money and gun control laws." Bwahahahahahahahaha!!

Trump scared the crap out of Emanuel, he tweeted a few words then the next day promised to cut off any Federal funding and vowed to clean Chicago much for the "Sanctuary City" that has the most restrictive guns laws in the country and the highest gun crimes in the country.