Trump Assassination attempt #1 and #2

What part of stacking the supreme Court is hard to understand?
Bill, they may stack the court but some things are so incredibly sacred that they cant be changed. The 4th is one of those things. The 4th amendments line about homes being secure from government intrusion is really specific and well established as in going back 200 years.

This is an example of a meme designed to outrage and influence, not inform. Where did it come from? Do we know what the source is? I gotta tell you, that one looks suspect to me.

There are LOTS of things to worry about but thats not something I am going to waste any of my energy on.
Bill, they may stack the court but some things are so incredibly sacred that they cant be changed. The 4th is one of those things. The 4th amendments line about homes being secure from government intrusion is really specific and well established as in going back 200 years.

This is an example of a meme designed to outrage and influence, not inform. Where did it come from? Do we know what the source is? I gotta tell you, that one looks suspect to me.

There are LOTS of things to worry about but thats not something I am going to waste any of my energy on.
If you honestly think thad the Democrats won't stack the courts. Expand the supreme Court as much as needed and then completely demolish our constitution the first chance they get then you are not really paying attention to what is going on. They have said over and over and over that that's exactly what they want to do. This has nothing to do with any memes or jokes or anything it has to do with reality. When they say that's what they want to do when they have the chance to do it, you have to assume that they're going to do it
It’s a mighty heavy lift, its improbable, it’s just not how things work.

Entering people’s homes without a warrant is so well spelled out in the constitution, it’s very SPECIFICALLY spelled out, and so deeply established that all the judges in the world can’t wave a magic gavel and somehow make it legal. The exceptions to the warrant requirement are really, really narrow and are looked at very skeptically. This is unmistakably the intent of the wording of the 4th.

You gotta remember too- we are looking at it as law abiding gun owners. The Dems have to look at this and think “they are going to use this to enter the homes of minorities to look for drugs, stolen property and the gangs machine guns” or whatever. I live in Illinois. We republicans aren’t driving the bus here. One of the strongest voices that got us concealed carry was the state reps and senators from inner city districts. They often lobby to REDUCE penalties for gun crimes as they view stiff gun penalties as a way to send their inner city constituents to prison. It’s very convoluted!

I can’t click on the link so all I can comment on is what I can see here on HT. That sure looks like someone trying to stir $hit. Unable to guess at what the motivation is. I gotta tell you, that kind of looks like troll farm stuff to me. Or someone one who has bought the troll farm bs and is reposting. I know you don’t want to hear it but proceed with caution. We got bigger fish to fry.
I don’t think they understand the part where the Dems hate the constitution and actively attempt to circumvent it and wish to outright destroy it. Don’t forget weaponize the legal system against their political enemies. Oh snap a dose of reality
I never thought our country could have imploded the way it has over the last few years either. When we don't enforce existing laws or obey our own constitution I would say pretty much anything is possible and NOTHING would surprise me at this point. I think the left has more than shown all of us what they really are. PATHETIC