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Trump For Prez- Hillary For Prison!

That's one way to do it bwoods. I, on the other hand, am giving the finger to all my liberal friends and telling them to get over it and move on, the sky is not falling.;)
In 2009 had to put up with lib friends sharing crazy things like "There's No One As Irish As Barrack O'Bama", so today I posted this Scotch-Irish fare that captures my feelings as O'bummer leaves office. :-) :-) :-)

My son just texted me from his junior HS history class.

I just love that kid!


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My son's girl-friend is a liberal in a big way......let's just say we don't get along......AT ALL!!! Let's just say its real tense when she is around!!
My son's girl-friend is a liberal in a big way......let's just say we don't get along......AT ALL!!! Let's just say its real tense when she is around!!
Probably isn't going to get less tense for a while. I've found that a lot of people have already made up their mind and it won't matter how well he does, they will still think he is an awful president.
Just watched Obumble get flown out of Washington DC. It truly is a great day for America!
I was always told there is one thing that make a "house" a "home"......might as well get started in the Ooooooval Office!!!:D
I just remember Ron White's comedy bit about having a "busy couch"!!!! That was what was so funny about when "Slick Willie" got caught.....everybody wanted to act like that had NEVER happened before......BS! It happens all the time - he was just dumb enough to get caught and let it go public!!!! Folks would be amazed if those walls could talk!!!!
Wonder what Trumps first order of business will be when sitting in the Oval office? Mine would be to pour the coals to Mrs Trump on the desk! Just like every other prez has done over the years!

I would give her the best 3 minutes of her life baby! LOL!

Maybe 15 seconds if the wind was with you ... I don't think she has ever had to worry about she gets her pleasure ... ;)

I hope he does Make America Great again. But thats a tough order.

I'll stick with my original hope. Get the Supreme Court right!

That's generations BIG. We just dodged an ugly bullet.

I've been watching Fox and MSNBC for fun. Their reporting two different worlds. Crazy, but this should be fun to watch with the comfort of justices that follow the constitution as it was written.
I hope he does Make America Great again. But thats a tough order.

I'll stick with my original hope. Get the Supreme Court right!

That's generations BIG. We just dodged an ugly bullet.

I've been watching Fox and MSNBC for fun. Their reporting two different worlds. Crazy, but this should be fun to watch with the comfort of justices that follow the constitution as it was written.
Watched 5 minutes of Rachelle Madow. I thought it was great but my wife couldn't take it. This is the end of the world for them snowflakes.
I wanted to turn on Maddow as well, and my wife would have gloated right along with me, but I would have wanted to lick her and her libby followers salty tears. From what I understand, if they would have captured all the snowflake tears shed since November and dumped them in the ocean, the base salinity would have went up 3%.
My son's girl-friend is a liberal in a big way......let's just say we don't get along......AT ALL!!! Let's just say its real tense when she is around!!

Tie her tubes, Pronto...
Just added that to my list of cities I will never go near. Can't wait till the deportations start.