Trolling the Dark Side


5 year old buck +
This site has gotten a little off track the last couple days, it's the frustration of having nothing to hunt and low vitamin D levels. Have a chuckle on me and everybody lighten up.

I check out the old forum from time to time and old Horntagger went on a rant because somebody had the gall to tell him he looked like a terrorist in a photo he posted. I had to contribute, I know I'm a troll, I know I have a problem, I don't care.
Bookmarked and I will be observing. hahahahahahahahaha

Why do people that like to do habitat work seem to have the thinnest skin imaginable? The amount of people I see that get butthurt over nothing is laughable.
I'm not sure what that says, nor do I really care, but that pic was freakin' hilarious!:D:cool:
He got all worked up! Ark Dave really touched a hot button.
That is funny, but only to those with a sense of humor. I don't think he'll like it.
hillarious, also big guys shouldnt tuck there shirts in
that pic got a good chuckle from me...i just choked on piece of french fry!
Once in a great while I will post over there yet. I was a QDMA member at one time and I wish they would change me back to "Guest" instead of "member" when I do post. I feel like such a kiss a$$ suck up.
foggy, you sneaky old bas....! Me likey!
I would expect that from you MoBuck!
Is that what a redneck ninja looks like?
Oh man, that's a funny pic. It's likely to send him into orbit.

I never understood the mask? :rolleyes:
I understand his face is cold - I get that. But posting a pic like that - and it potentially being used elsewhere is just not thinking. Out of context this pic screams "I'm a dirty, rotten, poacher" written all over it. Only people that wear masks in pictures have something to hide.
This site has gotten a little off track the last couple days, it's the frustration of having nothing to hunt and low vitamin D levels. Have a chuckle on me and everybody lighten up.

I check out the old forum from time to time and old Horntagger went on a rant because somebody had the gall to tell him he looked like a terrorist in a photo he posted. I had to contribute, I know I'm a troll, I know I have a problem, I don't care.

That is funny! Is it that cold in Missouri?
That is funny! Is it that cold in Missouri?

Heck no, it has been in the 40's for a couple weeks. He's not even wearing a coat!
I understand his face is cold - I get that. But posting a pic like that - and it potentially being used elsewhere is just not thinking. Out of context this pic screams "I'm a dirty, rotten, poacher" written all over it. Only people that wear masks in pictures have something to hide.

I'm not sure if that guy is cold. But you nailed it with your last sentence. To the public at large you see a pic like that of a big, burly "tough guy" who goes out and traps and kills things who then covers his face up in the hero pic? I don't get it. Out of shame? Fearful of death threats as he suggested in the thread? In the pic isn't he standing in front of a sign for his farm or hunting lodge? Like nobody seeing that pic will put 2 and 2 together and figure out who the big guy holding the coyote is.

Nothing against that dude Horntagger. Pretty cool that he is whacking some coyotes and other things on his property. I'd like to try it someday. Just whenever I see a guy wearing a mask like that I can't help but see a Rambo/Red Dawn/Chuck Norris wannabe all rolled into one.