Because the ones with decent racks get smashed as 2-3 year olds. For reasons you’ve mentioned, you get only a glimpse at them and have to shoot based on antlers.While you either believe all the g&f data or you dont - it is what we have. One thing that most of us in the south understand - while we produce a fair number of 5 yr old bucks - the antlers on those bucks over much of our area do not compare with the antlers on the same aged bucks in the midwest. I would bet if 5 yr old Iowa bucks were carrying the same headgear as 5 yr old south AR pine thicket bucks - the deer hunting community would not be tripping over themselves to get there.
I don’t want to argue and I’m quite sure I’ll never produce conclusive data to prove my point to you, but I strongly believe that if enough does could be killed in the Deep South to provide even marginal forage quality AND buck age structure was better, we could have IA quality. River batture clubs support this. Enclaves in poor pine country pull it off, too, when enough land is under control of like minded folks. S TX is another data point from which I draw this conclusion.
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