The Adventures of CrazyED the beach sand guy

^^I had thought so, yes. Maybe if aero is so kind, he could take a pic of a dolgo and kerr fruit side by side in his hand... Maybe its just my eyes making them look smaller
I asked him to post a picture
Anyone have hobbies outside of working on their farms? When i'm not tinkering around with apples on my beach sand farm..........i love to follow and listen to the most talented and creative band out there....Phish from Vermont. Saw them for the 40th time this past weekend at Alpine Valley. 15th time at Alpine Valley specifically, they've played their 17 times total. I missed them in 96 & 97, but havent missed a show since 1998. :)






I'll be a happy boy if our Kerr end up looking like Ed's in post #234 and #236 !!! 2nd leaf - no fruit yet.
Wait....who? What kind of genre?
Wait....who? What kind of genre?
Phish is most often compared to the grateful dead. They have been around more than 30 years. Never had a hit song, but draw thousands of followers. Never play the same setlist and their song catalog is insane. They can jam like no others, the masters of improv. Most consider them a rock or jam band, but they play funk, bluegrass, do barbershop quartet acapella tunes, the drummer wears the same dress at every show and sometimes plays an Electrolux vacuum. On Halloween they often play 3 set shows where the second set they will costume cover another bands albums and they have covered the Beatles, talking heads, the who, the stones, pink Floyd and others.
The Dead, huh ??? Oh, WOW, man !!!!!! These dudes sound really righteous. I just put some new shag in my van, so let's ice some beers, jump in the van, and " fire up " a tribute to Cheech and Chong on the way to the concert, man !!!! Here's pics of the 2 dudes that'll be doin' the driving .....:confused:o_O ................... :D Just HAD to do it, Ed !!!!!
The Dead, huh ??? Oh, WOW, man !!!!!! These dudes sound really righteous. I just put some new shag in my van, so let's ice some beers, jump in the van, and " fire up " a tribute to Cheech and Chong on the way to the concert, man !!!! Here's pics of the 2 dudes that'll be doin' the driving .....:confused:o_O ................... :D Just HAD to do it, Ed !!!!!

Most people can't or wont ever understand. I learned that long ago. But really phish fans aren't that different than a lot of the habitat junkies on this forum. Passionate about what they are doing, some compulsiveness and obsessiveness, but most I think its the overall willingness to help, be kind and befriend others. There are always a few bad apples, non pun intended.
I miss that old venue, looks the same as I remember it from back in the early 90's. I would attend at least 7 or 8 different shows a year down there from about 1985 until around 1993. Wives and babies kind of put the kibosh to that kind of thing. I saw G-N-R's very first show there as well as the very first show that Def Leppard played there after their drummer came back from losing his arm, just a few of many.

Looks like you had killer seats as well!
Great photos.
Great photos.

Applemans kid is a big phish fan too. We talked about it in the past it was great. I'll post some pics from the grateful dead fare thee well shows. I had epic seats for that.
Ed - you do know I was only messing & busting on you, right ??? If I could have put a voice to my post at #247, it would have sounded like Spiccoli in " Fast Times at Ridgemont High " !!!:p
I don't claim to be an expert, but in my 6 years of raising this tree the visible presence of CAR on this Goldrush tree is directly related to the amount of precipitation we receive during the growing season. According to my rain gauge, in my opinion we have received above average amounts of rain to date. In drier or drought years, car is not as present. This year the leaves are covered, the fruit appears fine.

Of the varieties I grow, Goldrush and Frostbite are most susceptible. Winecrisp, black oxford and honeygold also seem pretty consistent but not as serious.
Frost bite is showing quite a bit of CAR for me, also.

Did you go to the Phish concert in Conventry Vt in 2004?

Yes, sure did. It was quite the adventure given the apocalyptic rains that occured just prior to the event.


Somehow we scored a bunch of plywood and we built a deck at our campsite to stay out of the mud. When it was concert time we parked our rental van right on the wood so nobody could steal it.


Vermont really was a beautiful place I would like to get back to. Here's a shot of me in Burlington, home of Phish.
Ed - you do know I was only messing & busting on you, right ??? If I could have put a voice to my post at #247, it would have sounded like Spiccoli in " Fast Times at Ridgemont High " !!!:p
Oh yeah, I did. No offense taken at all.
Hey your eyes look a little squinted there. Was it bright outside or something else.....;):D
Hey your eyes look a little squinted there. Was it bright outside or something else.....;):D

I was probably tired of crawling around in that Vermont mud for 3 days. It was seriously like being in a natural disaster. Gotta remember we don't have mud on the central Wisconsin sand pile. standing water is a rare site where i come from.
Love all of the updates Ed, things are looking great. It seems Centennial is the best Raccoon apple, by a long shot. I think I read yours is on B118 and didn't have any broken branches after the coons found cleaned it off? Is that correct? If so, that would help confirm my belief that Centennial should be grown on standard rootstock if you have coons.
Love all of the updates Ed, things are looking great. It seems Centennial is the best Raccoon apple, by a long shot. I think I read yours is on B118 and didn't have any broken branches after the coons found cleaned it off? Is that correct? If so, that would help confirm my belief that Centennial should be grown on standard rootstock if you have coons.

For the most part correct. I did have a broken branch on a previous trip but I thought it was due to fruit load. The last time I found the tree cleaned off there were no broken branches. My trees are b118. I think in general if you have problems with younger trees and coons you should practice defruiting.