The Adventures of CrazyED the beach sand guy

Hinge cuts growing like crazy, almost time to cut some of them again. These are 2 or 3 years old now.

Some we did this spring are just starting to sucker out a bit. Should be great by next spring. Seems like they usually take about a year to really go crazy.


My dunstans are looking great. I dont think i posted any pictures from my June visit. In june they must have gotten really hammered on by bugs or something.


June - bad picture but you get the idea the tree looks like hell



looking much better as you can see
June 6

July 19

This girl loves riding on the four wheeler

Goldrush - 6th leaf MM111. Tree is tore up by CAR (Probably due to all the rain) but the fruit looks fine and good


Here's a zoomed out picture of the tree
I have a 5th leaf MM111 Pristine tree that produced 2 fruit. This is one of my favorite eaters


5th leaf liberty mm111 with 4 fruit

4th leaf b118 frostbite, plenty of car on the leaves but the fruit look fine. this one put out quite a few apples last year and even more this year. seems like a real good grower

Nice looking 4th leaf b118 enterprise. I think it has a couple apples on it.



4th leaf b118 kerr puking

4th leaf b118 honeygold with a few fruit (and some CAR)


Orchard looking good

Another 4th leaf b118 kerr putting out fruit

bad picture but this northern spy is 3rd leaf b118 and growing real well
centennial 4th leaf b118 puking

Sandburs favorite, 4th leaf mm111

Also have a handful of honeycrisp this year. 2 trees 4th leaf b118 each have a few

5th leaf sansa on mm111 has a few

Talk about investing in the future, great looking apples Ed!
Thanks for taking us along, Matt. The farm is looking real good.
All of it looks awesome!
Trees are looking great. Nice to see the hard work paid off with actual apples.
My goldrush is chewed up with CAR as well. Will it get hit hard every year? I have lots of red cedars. Not sure if I will be planting many more. The Arkansas black right next to it looks great
My goldrush is chewed up with CAR as well. Will it get hit hard every year? I have lots of red cedars. Not sure if I will be planting many more. The Arkansas black right next to it looks great

I don't claim to be an expert, but in my 6 years of raising this tree the visible presence of CAR on this Goldrush tree is directly related to the amount of precipitation we receive during the growing season. According to my rain gauge, in my opinion we have received above average amounts of rain to date. In drier or drought years, car is not as present. This year the leaves are covered, the fruit appears fine.

Of the varieties I grow, Goldrush and Frostbite are most susceptible. Winecrisp, black oxford and honeygold also seem pretty consistent but not as serious.
I don't claim to be an expert, but in my 6 years of raising this tree the visible presence of CAR on this Goldrush tree is directly related to the amount of precipitation we receive during the growing season. According to my rain gauge, in my opinion we have received above average amounts of rain to date. In drier or drought years, car is not as present. This year the leaves are covered, the fruit appears fine.

Of the varieties I grow, Goldrush and Frostbite are most susceptible. Winecrisp, black oxford and honeygold also seem pretty consistent but not as serious.
Roger that
Tks Ed
I love these pics Matt, always keep this thread going. Apple pictures make me smile.
i'll be heading to the farm this weekend, i'll get some more.
Yeah, i'm throwing down rye, ptt, radishes, watersorb.
Very cool pix Ed !! Lots of good eats for the family AND the deer in the future.
From the pix, it seems like the CAR doesn't affect the fruit on your trees. And if the CAR is worse than normal because of the wetter year, that bodes well for the future of your trees.

What is a " Sandbur's Favorite " ?? ( I have an idea where you got the scion !! ) Is it a crab or regular apple ..... cross ??
Very cool pix Ed !! Lots of good eats for the family AND the deer in the future.
From the pix, it seems like the CAR doesn't affect the fruit on your trees. And if the CAR is worse than normal because of the wetter year, that bodes well for the future of your trees.

What is a " Sandbur's Favorite " ?? ( I have an idea where you got the scion !! ) Is it a crab or regular apple ..... cross ??

Sandbur's 3 favorite apples, in no particular order.

Chestnut crab. Chestnut crab. Chestnut crab.
Did a little bit of food plotting. I dont take it too seriously mainly because I have very limited equipment. Winter Rye, purple top turnips, ground hog radishes, pel lime, water sorb and a very small amount of red clover. I have a decent amount of rye and trash on the ground now so hopefully that trend continues and i'll start getting better germination. Things are pretty dry so there is a chance for a storm today and later in the week, hopefully we get some rain.


I did notice I likely have had a few coons in my orchard. Thanksfully they didnt do any noticeable damage like others have experience, but i did notice trees that had apples were now empty. Last trip I posted some pics of a centennial tree that had probably 2 dozen apples was totally empty now. I planted these trees for wildlife so i cant complain when wildlife finds them. But we are hoping to get a few apples too. This 4th leaf kerr tree is loaded and looking great



Here's a SANSA tree. I think it has 4 fruit. It's an early variety so it should be ready very soon if it wasnt already.


This was a great surprise, definitely the find of the day if not year. I thought these trees that i planted 2 years ago never made it. I was driving by the ATV the tube was all smashed out but i noticed vegitation hanging out the top of the tube and it looked like a chestnut leaf. I was shocked. Low and behold i found 2 of these that did survive, and probably need to check a few other tubes where i planted these. These are American Chestnuts from Indiana Larry, started from seed 2 or 3 years ago. This one is reaching out of a 5' tree tube with lumite mulch. There was another one 25' away that was about 2/3 of the way filling out a 5' tube. Again, i was very shocked to find this, I thought they died the year i planted them. I will put a concrete mesh fence around both of these and continue to leave them in the tubes as well - I think.


Thats it for this trip, not a lot of pictures since we were working our tails off.
Matt...I notice your Kerr fruit look a lot different than the Kerr aero posted pics of on another thread. Yours look more like what I had thought a Kerr would look like. Would you say yours are much larger fruited than a dolgo crab?

I dont have any dolgo fruiting yet, but i'm pretty sure i see plenty of them around. Dolgo are a little bigger than a very large grape?

Here's a kerr from last year, august 30th. I would say they are at least 1.5-2" in size. I'll have to track down Areo's thread do you have a link?

This year my fruit seem smaller than last but i would probably blame myself for that, I probably should have thinned. I think i have a picture holding a fruit in my hand, i'll see if i can find it. That might give a better perspective on size.


September 28th
The picture i was thinking of was of Centennial. But i would say Centennial and Kerr are very similar in size.
