Selsor 287 slice of heaven

Holy Crap, nice bucks! Wish I had some that big! Mini me is a hell of a buck!
Congratulations on the nice bucks, but more so on your little helper. I'm still getting great memories. Have two sons in their thirties, and now 2 grandsons under 10 years old. Is the covert black or IR?
Congratulations on the nice bucks, but more so on your little helper. I'm still getting great memories. Have two sons in their thirties, and now 2 grandsons under 10 years old. Is the covert black or IR?
It's an IR, mp5e. I paid $80 for it guess I should be asking for the world haha but I will say of the 5 cams I'm running it is the biggest pain to set up.
Beautiful ground and some dandy deer!
Anybody have trouble with bucks trashing tree tubes? I had some sawtooths planted the same way last year and I had a buck competely destroy the tube and all by using them as rubs.
Never a buck...Yet!

But them fricken Racoons will chew them up, tear them down and destroy them getting at wasp nests inside.
Anybody have trouble with bucks trashing tree tubes? I had some sawtooths planted the same way last year and I had a buck competely destroy the tube and all by using them as rubs.

This will be my first fall with tubes tubes. Their is better than half a dozen bucks in this field every night so I could see some getting tore up! I got a young 8 point that is onry as hell too. He just got his velvet off an he is already picking fights with bucks much bigger!!!
Thanks dude. Looks like they like Missouri just fine. Its parent trees are LOADED this year (7 years old).

No thank you! Not all are out of the tubes but at least a half dozen or so are
Hung a couple sets on my destination food plot. This one is for a North wind. Eangle beans on left with turnips, radishes and wr. On rt Fall plot freshly plated with ww, oats and lidino an red clover:) Rain baby rain!!!!!
image (25).jpeg
Pretty cool pictures Jordan! Hope you get the rain you need to make them plots take off!
Anybody have trouble with bucks trashing tree tubes? I had some sawtooths planted the same way last year and I had a buck competely destroy the tube and all by using them as rubs.

Here is the punk 8 point I worry will tear up my tubes! He is already picking fights with bucks twice his size!!! If I could caption this pic I think he is saying "You just wait till you shed that velvet prettyboy! I may not be as big as you but I will still kick your ass" haha Reminds me of myself in highschool

punk ass 8.jpg
punk 8.jpg
LOL. By the way, I've been using tubes for about 15 years and have never had a buck tear one up. I've had them destroy trees out of tubes, though. I've also had them destroy wire cages around pear trees while trying to use them as ladders.
Nice looking plots and bucks!
Looks like you have plenty to choose from Jordan. You have things rocking!
Looks like you have plenty to choose from Jordan. You have things rocking!

Tks Native Hunter. I have to pinch myself every once in awhile. Still cant believe I own my own farm and things are going so well. I think my buck inventory is descent because not many prople manage land in this area and lots of thick cover on my place
Hey, you got any Hogs down that way or are they farther south?
Hey, you got any Hogs down that way or are they farther south?
You know when I first bought the place I swear I found hog sign being ruts on a logging rd that were all wallowed out an tiny tracks ( looked like fawn tracks).
I have not found or seen any other sign since. Nor has my dad who's farm is 1 mile away as the crow flys. They would be fun as heck to shoot at but tough on the deer plots. Kinda hope they stay south along with the bears
You know when I first bought the place I swear I found hog sign being ruts on a logging rd that were all wallowed out an tiny tracks ( looked like fawn tracks).
I have not found or seen any other sign since. Nor has my dad who's farm is 1 mile away as the crow flys. They would be fun as heck to shoot at but tough on the deer plots. Kinda hope they stay south along with the bears

For sure don't want either one. Must be too many guys hunting hogs in your area?