Selsor 287 slice of heaven

If you ever get any free time in Feb, invite me down for a look. Lets get some doe bedding going in spots, may hold the bucks a little closer in the fall and during the rut, and that should make it easier to hunt!
Hell yeah!
New woodland plot
Call it 3 ridges. Everything comes together here creating a nice level spot. Good dirt too. It felt wrong to cut down about 15 white oaks but had to be done! Left a few nice ones that should thrive now. Went El cheapO on this fall plot and planted WW alone. Worried I'm to late for clover. Will frost seed it in march with lidino an med red.
I got big plans for this plot. Chestnuts, Chinese chinqupins an several pears going on the perimeter. Never been more excited about a set up:)
Let me know about Febuary. I'll be tired of not catching any fish in FL by then and my mouse bait stations are always a good excuse to check on the farm.

I'm good for a few hours with a saw.
Looks like a great start for a new plot Jordan. Good luck with the work on it ......... and hunting !!
That plot looks awesome. Good luck this year.
The woodland plot has performed great! 2 bucks in 2 wks! Lil bro just killed a 5.5 30 min ago and I was lucky to bow kill a 130" 8 Nov 4th!
Think we finally cracked the code to killing mature bucks on the farm! Back off the bottom destination plot and hunt the hidey hole woodland plots!

My bow buck. Already shared but sharing again! Proud of what we pulled off this yr:)
A pic of the plot as it progressed. WW poor mans plot! Plan to frost seed with red clover this march! It's twice a thick now thanks to a mild Nov with plenty of moisture
Congrats. Great year indeed.
Beautiful place.

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Nice Jordan!

Our batting average went up,since we started picking at the edges and leaving the center alone. Not for everyone, but the averages are working for us.
Beautiful land, beautiful bucks! Nice work Jordan. Sharing with your brother is a blessing for both of you.

Bill, even on our small piece of land that's been our designed approach from the beginning too. Hunt the fringes and stay out of the middle - still a lot to learn though.