Selling the farm boys

Did you scratch or dent that new tractor yet? :emoji_laughing:
Did you scratch or dent that new tractor yet? :emoji_laughing:
No way! lol
I stumbled upon a battle tested pre scratched rig that I picked up for the rough work;)
Jordan congrats! Just as a counter, business transactions and friendships are never good in the same process. If they were, the world would a much better place.

I too have come a away from multiple property transactions thinking a good force was created ... learned some difficult lessons. WE put a lot of our heart, sweat, and resources into these properties, not everybody has the same view.

Enjoy your new place, it is your future ... :emoji_wink:

Business side is all wrapped up. We are both busy so neither one of us had much contact prior to closing. A text here an there.
Just friendship from here on out. The place is his. When I toured the place to him I mentioned some future plans I had in my mind. He liked my ideas and asked for my guidance in executing them. No sweat if he decides against any of it. This fella is intrigued by habitat work. I am excited to pass the torch onto him.