Seeding brassicas into standing rye

I'm not sure what your state offers. Here in VA, the DWR offers a DMAP (Deer Management Assistance Program). With this program, we are required to collect data and take biological samples (jawbones) from every deer harvested for the state biologists. In exchange, they evaluate the the area and issue free doe tags according to the number of does they think need harvested from the area. These tags are good any day during and deer hunting season here, not just on special doe days. You may wan tto se ewhat your state offers. They provide us with annual reports of their data analysis of our data as well as recommendations.

When you are in ag country you can benefit from getting to know the neighboring farmers well. Knowing what they intend to plant and when they harvest can be a real help in your decision making.

Best of Luck,


That sounds more like what are called "damage permits" here. DMAP in VA is DWR working with private landowners to manage populations more to BCC. Damage Permits are for things like wineries here that need low populations for business reasons. These are good out of season and the recipient need to demonstrate damage. They are issued at the discretion of the department. Here, DMAP does not require public access to your land. It is intended to improve deer herds on private land and give the state data for broader deer management purposes. Perhaps there is no equivalent in your state.
That sounds more like what are called "damage permits" here. DMAP in VA is DWR working with private landowners to manage populations more to BCC. Damage Permits are for things like wineries here that need low populations for business reasons. These are good out of season and the recipient need to demonstrate damage. They are issued at the discretion of the department. Here, DMAP does not require public access to your land. It is intended to improve deer herds on private land and give the state data for broader deer management purposes. Perhaps there is no equivalent in your state.
Yes here they are more geared towards helping farmers reduce crop damage.