Scrape trees

I really like the “turd in a punch bowl” plot scrape. Just make sure it’s in bow range and orientation facilitates a broadside or quartering away shot.

Below is a t-post with an oak branch wired on. Horizontal branches in this configuration are irresistible but are easily broken by aggressive bucks.


This “middle of the road” scrape is a beech branch that hangs down from paracord stretched across an old logging road. The vertical branches can be very effective and hold up a little better. Bucks can’t get the leverage needed to break the vertical hanging branches.


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And, we have yet to find a really great way of attaching the scraping branch.

Try a rolling hitch with a low-stretch rope.
Yes. We have done the cedar posts with an attached branch. They definitely work and for creating a mock scrape and a communal rubbing post. Our issues with them is that you have to essentially cement them into the ground. And, we have yet to find a really great way of attaching the scraping branch.
Does a u bolt on a 2x4 or other platform wood piece work at all, im thinking like Steve Bartylla has his set up???
I'll have to look into these suggestions. We have tried a few variations of screwing or nailing the branch to the pole and they always seem to get destroyed before or during peak rut.

I'm thinking that something that would allow some give like a normal tree branch would be ideal.
Probably try a few methods and see if I can tell a difference. I've run vertical vines with good luck as well as cut small oaks attached to t post. I was just looking for something more permanent so I didn't have to have my pop going in and working at his age, due to me living out west