Vertical scrape


5 year old buck +
Last year I collected a few vines from southern MN and hauled them to my land up by Leech Lake to make a couple vertical scrapes. They got very little use. I think some of that was on me and how I hung them. They really like my horizontal oak branches though. I get great use out of them, especially in Oct and Nov. Next time I head up to the land I want to hang a cedar branch/vine vertically and see what happens. I have a well traveled spot where a few trails come together and the deer want to cross the road along the neighbors field edge. From the photos below I want to maybe tie a rope between trees and then suspend it that way. I likely wont hang my oak branches until the end of August, but I want to do more experimenting with this for now. Anyone have any great tips??

I had a few deer pin their ears back when they walked by and saw that I removed their branch and threw it on the ground. I dont like to leave the screws in the tree over the summer so I usually take them down, otherwise they like to break off in the trees.
I've tried mock scrape and licking branches with a thick rope. I zip-tied it up in the tree and let it hang down vertically. This seems to be a common means to build these. What I can say is that deer use those types of branches all year round to communicate "who's in the area"..... not sure how helpful my comments were but will follow along on this one.
I put posts out in the open and hang things from them. Seems when their in the open the deer can’t leave them alone.

one other tip I’ve found that really works is to move a natural licking branch that’s been used. There are always licking branches and scrapes along the road in my planted field screens. Anytime I cut one of them off and move it, it gets attention in its new location. Don’t know if it helps but I wear rubber gloves and boots. Also drive the side by side to where it’s going so I’m not leaving scent.
Whitetail Habitat Solutions on Youtube has the best videos on vertical mock scrapes. I would start there with some suggestions. Here is one of the more recent videos of his on the subject:

Anecdotally, I am with Bill on this one. I think anything can work it's just a matter of being in the right location. I would make sure it's on a main path towards food or bedding, you have a way to quietly hunt it, and you get it up sooner rather than later. I haven't tried the vine yet, but have put one up already on my place. I plan on putting several more up. I know that in the past, I've had the best success with transplanting a small oak into a more open area near or in a food plot. I am looking forward to trying both options this year and seeing what works best.

Edit: Rereading your post Sutherland, I do actually remember him saying in one of his videos that transporting vines to areas where they typically don't grow will not be as successful as wherever the deer are used to using them. I'd try and use them again, though, as I like the idea of the deer needing to pay more attention to getting their scent on a vine, as opposed to a more rigid branch.
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I took pine limbs and wired wherever I wanted a scrape and they tore it up until they shed
I finally got a chance to hang my cedar branch. Things didnt go so good. Nature made sure to lower my branch and turn it into a fun swing. I am gonna have to switch to wire or cable next time I head up for the portion between the trees.
