Bedding cuts in the hills, what works best?


5 year old buck +
I’m planning on doing some bedding cuts this summer during my trip to Ohio. My hill country property has no conifer, no plum, and minimal shrub minus some spice bush, a very little rose, and autumn olive.

I’m looking to do some cuts as prescribed by Madison Raber on the far end of the property which will serve as sanctuary ground. My idea was do the cuts as prescribed which is primarily maple within wide open forest. Cuts will be done via hinge and flush to supplement bedding and will be done along and just above the military crest along the west to east running ridge.

Question is for those of you with cedar, do you recommend it to supplement bedding pockets? I understand it can spread quickly which I can tackle when needed. I was thinking doing this at very specific topographical locations, drop maple pockets and add in a few cedar, 2 to 3 Norway, some plum, and couple nine bark to invite bedding at specific topographical advantageous bedding sites along the military crest.

Add the added regen from the dropped and hinge trees, is this a good idea? My approach would be have these listed trees and shrubs as the back cover and have the military crest be to open ground so the deer/buck can see down into the bottom. Just curious for you hill country guys if this makes sense.

If a good idea, would you recommend water between cuts at a specific location at the bedding level for a possible stand site in November accessing the length of the property through bottom up? Or should water be placed up higher approaching the food?

How bout a micro plot with scrape tree between the bedding sites on the military crest with water for the rut. This would be along the military crest.

Sorry for the long post, just looking to generate some ideas on how the hill country crew has made things work when it comes to bedding.
The location for your bedding sounds great. Is there a reason you only want to do a few locations along the military crest rather than the whole thing?
The prescription provided by the forester was for larger acre + cuts above the military. My thought was those cuts will serve as doe bedding being closer to the food. My idea was add cuts close to the military to give the bucks ideal bedding. I have found single beds on the military between spicebush. With this plan I’m trying to give them the most ideal security I can.

I’m trying to figure out how to design it, taller species furthest away from the bed, that being Norway then add the shrubs against the small bench and as side cover? This will take a few years to kick off….

The point of this hill, the far east point has a 1/16 of an acre clearing where the benches come together. Thoughts on adding a micro plot and water here for cruising bucks working their way around scent checking the bedding?
Aerial photos would be helpful.

What is the elevation change on your property?

Do you own the hilltop and valley?

Micro plots are good, but I wouldn't mix them with water. Put water between bedding and destination food in a location that hunts good for you.

Do you have a plan to protect these shrubs while they grow? They are going to be very vulnerable to deer browsing until/if they mature. You placing them in known deer locations only makes it harder for them to grow to potential.

I would start small on one crest/top and see how the deer respond in the first season. That could mean hunting the location, trail cameras, or observation locations. This should tell you if it is wise to continue on the rest of your place. You only get to cut a tree one time and it takes a lifetime to grow back, so I would use caution.