I’ve been reading and watching some videos that mention depth of cover being important to bucks, and how a food source resets that. I was wondering if folks find this to be generally true, and if there’s an amount of food that holds a doe group and resets the depth of cover?
I’m trying to decide if planting some shooting lanes in a bedding area about 300 yards back from my main food source would be a good idea (this is for a rifle stand). The lanes are a v shape about 200yds long each and 15ft wide. The v is perpendicular to the line of travel so I need the deer to pause for a moment so I can get a shot. The area had always been early successional because it floods during snowmelt in the spring, which keeps trees and stuff from establishing, so all I had to do was mow a strip - it’s dry in the summer and fall. All in all, it comes to .4 acres of food if I plant the shooting lanes. If I do, I was thinking clover or rye.
I’m trying to decide if planting some shooting lanes in a bedding area about 300 yards back from my main food source would be a good idea (this is for a rifle stand). The lanes are a v shape about 200yds long each and 15ft wide. The v is perpendicular to the line of travel so I need the deer to pause for a moment so I can get a shot. The area had always been early successional because it floods during snowmelt in the spring, which keeps trees and stuff from establishing, so all I had to do was mow a strip - it’s dry in the summer and fall. All in all, it comes to .4 acres of food if I plant the shooting lanes. If I do, I was thinking clover or rye.