Most of my trees came this week but I haven't had time to plant any plus the weather hasn't cooperated so late yesterday I made it out and got 50 planted and tubed 10 plus I overseeded a couple brasssica plots with red, crimson and ladino clover. Thursday I also tried my first shot at grafting 10 apple trees all on B118, 4 liberty, 4 Enterprise and 2 Arkansas blacks we'll see.
I planted all plugs yesterday, plugs are so easy to plant.
Things are just starting to bud out around here.
After 3yrs of planting on this hay field things are starting to grow above the grasses, they made a big jump last year.
With a couple casualties.
Through the years I've stuck quite a few ROD cuttings in this low spot and this year I'm finally seeing some results, patience is needed on a lot of these projects'
This throw and mow rye plot is the only green right now.
I broadcast the clovers into these spent brassica plots that were pretty bare.
Still quite a bit of thatch in these brassicas from the rolled down rye.
Plans for today are getting my MDC seedlings planted and trees fertilized it's supposed to be near 60 deg.