Wow on page 3 already. I thought I would struggle to fill pages on this thread and that is why I was so hesitant to share the info. Well that and the mistakes I have made. I am really glad I started this and hopefully some of you will enjoy it. I tend to carry on and over complicate things at times. But as I go back over all of these photos it really hits home with how much effort I have put into this. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many 8-10+ hour days behind the chainsaw I have put in to make this all come together.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank my wife for all the support. It can be a tough balancing act between your passion and family. With 4 girls (18,8,6, and 3) there is always somewhere else to be.
One of my biggest weaknesses is walking into my woods. There isn’t much outside of family stuff that I would rather do. This can be counterproductive but if you gave me a choice of walking in my woods to observe or stay out to make the ultimate sanctuary I would choose to walk in the woods every time.