Rit’s Parcel


Put in a screen today. It’s going to be around 100’ in the destination plot. I choose hybrid willows. One thing I learned from last years screens is that any hole you put in the weed barrier is an invitation for things like Johnson grass. Last year I used the little metal stakes for everything. This year only rocks and sticks no holes.

My destination plot is just too exposed to the road. Multiple times last year I watched the field get cleared from a vehicle. My goal over the next several years is to completely close off the view of the road. I have shifted my focus to cover over food for the entire property. I started with 4 acres of food in 2016 and I will plant less than 2 this year.
Looks good, Rit

You're putting the work in. Having the kids involved is a lot of fun. My boys helped me plant apple trees saturday. Makes a man feel blessed
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Looks good, Rit

You're putting the work in. Having the kids involved is a lot of fun. My boys helped me plant apple trees saturday. Makes a man feel blessed
You said it Roy. It makes it so much better when the kids are helping and asking questions.
Im with you Rit. My property is similar to yours and im shifting my focus too. The instant gratification of food is nice, but now I regret not getting after the cover issue years ago. I think of what it would look like now! Im still doing the plots, about 4 acres, but im making sure I make SOME effort each year towards other habitat. Looks like you have a good plan, and the kids will be able to watch it all unfold!
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Im with you Rit. My property is similar to yours and im shifting my focus too. The instant gratification of food is nice, but now I regret not getting after the cover issue years ago. I think of what it would look like now! Im still doing the plots, about 4 acres, but im making sure I make SOME effort each year towards other habitat. Looks like you have a good plan, and the kids will be able to watch it all unfold!
If I don’t stop planting trees I may have very little food. I think I’ll be slightly under or just at 2 this year. I know my destination plot is not secure from the road and that’s a giant problem.
It has been a busy week. Can’t believe 5 days after putting the Hybrid willows in the ground 90% of them are putting on growth. If most of these survive I will have an unlimited amount of cuttings to share with the folks here.
Tried my hand at grafting this week. After the first few attempts it seemed really natural. I didn’t do all the Callery pears I had but I did quite a few. Varieties included a couple of Asian pears, Gate, Keiffer, and a Gilmer Christmas. I hope these take.
I posted these a few other places already but these trees from NWC are amazing.
Planted 24 fruit trees this week. All planted, caged, and weed mat down. X-cell fabric has been really good. I’ll go back and add pea gravel and window screen soon. Although I found a vole hole in some pea-gravel on one of my pears.
16 of the 24 Fruit trees that I planted were from Blue Hill. Here is a pear. Everything that I planted from them has began to put on growth.
Great looking job, Rit. Nice trees from BH. I think you need to plant some clover!!
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Great looking job, Rit. Nice trees from BH. I think you need to plant some clover!!
Thanks bows not quite as much clover there as you think. Maybe an acre and half of that will be gone this year.
screen 2 months in. Almost 100% survival so far. Deer have nipped a few but not terrible.
Who knew bush honey suckle would transplant?
First time graft starting to put on serious growth.
Last years road screens growing well but deer keep nipping them so they are more like small bushes. These are streamco willows.
Normally Honey suckle does almost too good of a job on it's own spreading, what is your goal in planting more?
I agree with you that it seems to spread at will but never where I want it to.

I was more curious than anything if the shallow rooted shrub could be transplanted. But the more I thought about it the more diversity came to mind. It’s not my worst invasive by far. Deer really browse it hard around me.

I have a 9 acre field that I want all but two acres in cover. I have a lot of switch in the field but I have some pockets where I didn’t get a good take. It’s more work to transplant things into the field but the transplants seem to do better than the cuttings and barefoot trees that I plant. I am finding that rough leafed dogwood has almost a 100% survival. I have done ash, raspberry, bush honeysuckle, cedar, white oak, and maple. The way I look at it the more I transplant the less I have to buy.
It’s pretty hard not to like that screen. Conditions have been rough but this screen is already 6’ tall with time to go yet. This completely hides the big food plot. Deer have worked over my hybrid willows but haven’t killed any. I will probably fence them next year.