Record keeping on your hunting?


While I was out over the weekend with my youngest deer hunting - something sunk in - she has ZERO patience! In our fast-paced, instant gratification society we want things right now!

Do any of you guys track how much time you spend on stand and log things like # of deer seen or the like to see trends or anything like that? I have not thus far, but I may start just to see if it demonstrates anything. If you do, please share what you track and how - please.
I've kept a spreadsheet for years now. I track the date, hours I sat, total deer seen, bucks / does, stand location, wind direction, morning / evening, moon phase and temps for the day. I also have a notes section. If I have trail cam pics of a buck I seen from stand I add that pic to another sheet in the spreadsheet and reference it in the notes on the first page.

Once you have the spreadsheet made it becomes very simple and nothing but a couple minutes of time.
I've kept a spreadsheet for years now. I track the date, hours I sat, total deer seen, bucks / does, stand location, wind direction, morning / evening, moon phase and temps for the day. I also have a notes section. If I have trail cam pics of a buck I seen from stand I add that pic to another sheet in the spreadsheet and reference it in the notes on the first page.

Once you have the spreadsheet made it becomes very simple and nothing but a couple minutes of time.
That's detailed. I keep a log of the deer harvested but not of all our individual hunts. Even my harvest log is less detailed than what you have listed. I'm envious.
I have been recording deer harvested as well for the past few years.
I keep track in a std notebook. Record every hunt, especially out of state trips... location, stand, temp, wind, what i saw, who was there, etc. Fun to read about past hunts and notice any developing trends... most notably unpunched tags!
I have an MS Word doc that I have every single hunting and fishing expedition logged since 1993.

Well, the past 2 years I have faded.... in fact I need to get at it. I didnt get anything logged this year at all since turkey season..... I need to get my archery and duck hunts logged for sure and will get that done over the next couple days.
I never keep a written document stating what I am doing for hunting or sitting on stand.

If the wife ever found out how much time I screw off in the woods she would kick my ass!
I've kept a spreadsheet for years now. I track the date, hours I sat, total deer seen, bucks / does, stand location, wind direction, morning / evening, moon phase and temps for the day. I also have a notes section. If I have trail cam pics of a buck I seen from stand I add that pic to another sheet in the spreadsheet and reference it in the notes on the first page.

Once you have the spreadsheet made it becomes very simple and nothing but a couple minutes of time.

Care to share that spreadsheet? Like a blank one?
If I wouldn't have eaten tag soup I'd have a record. I just enjoy the days and times I spend hunting. The only thing I keep track of is what I plant, when, lime & fertilizer.
Care to share that spreadsheet? Like a blank one?

This is all I do. I'll add a sheet / page if I want to add a picture of something.


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Thanks everyone. I keep track of all the harvests off of my place, but not every hunt. I am considering tracking my time on stand and the deer I see to see just how much time on average I spend per deer in the freezer. This all came about because my daughter made it sound like we should see a deer every hour or so and it got me thinking. We spent 8 or 9 hours on stand over the weekend and saw 4 deer. On average that isn't bad - however it was that we saw 4 deer in a 2 hour period the last hunt of the weekend that had her a little frustrated early on.
That ^^^ is 3 years worth of "sightings" for me.
That ^^^ is 3 years worth of "sightings" for me.
At one point it was for me too - but that hopefully isn't the case the year and hasn't been the case the last few. With a little luck I will actually take 3 or 4 deer this year........the freezer is empty......the wife actually bought beef burger at the store!!!!!!
Thanks everyone. I keep track of all the harvests off of my place, but not every hunt. I am considering tracking my time on stand and the deer I see to see just how much time on average I spend per deer in the freezer. This all came about because my daughter made it sound like we should see a deer every hour or so and it got me thinking. We spent 8 or 9 hours on stand over the weekend and saw 4 deer. On average that isn't bad - however it was that we saw 4 deer in a 2 hour period the last hunt of the weekend that had her a little frustrated early on.
I don't want to know the hard numbers on that or even deer seen per hour of hunting. I've got enough depressing things to think about already.
This type of thing would be pretty pointless for me. You would think that it would be invaluable when hunting public lands(and it should/could be in the right circumstances), but I would have so little to report, it wouldn't be worth it when I can remember the details in my head due to the fact they are so few and far between. The situations change so often on public lands anymore that long term data wouldn't necessarily be all that helpful either. To do it properly on public ground, you would have to track a bunch more data sets than what would be needed to track this type of stuff on your own property.
Sounds like I have to file a tax return or something. I don't need no steenking records! ;)
I keep track of every deer hunt. Weather, stand hunted, deer seen, other wildlife of note, amount of time in the stand, etcc.. I enjoy looking back and tallying numbers at the end of the season.
we weigh and score mature bucks and keep track of total doe kill. Should top 400 bucks and 1200 doe this year.
Those are astonishing numbers :eek:.
What I always thought interesting was hearing my aunt who was a life long resident of Waupaca county talk about the time when she was a little girl about all the exitement of folks seeing a deer in Waupaca county back then. She passed away about 5 years ago in her eighties. Seems back then you had to go "up north" to find any deer and they just weren't "adapted" to farm country in her words.
40 years, good hunters, great shots, the best dpsm/habitat in the world. 40 will go down this year, do the math.

That is allot of deer. How many acres you got there NF?