Problem Food Plot ... Hi Phosphorus Levels an Issue?

That low CEC means if you add fertilizer, do it in small amounts ans often. Like 100/lb acre 2 or 3 times a year.

Boron is easy to add if you think you need to. Borax soap. Done it for years on high CEC clay soil growing thing that use alot. Like turnips and clover. Boron is very comonly added to commercial AG crop fertilizer programs. Even miracle grow has it in there.

Hairy vertch has done well for me in low productivity sandy soil. Deer loved it too. They devoured it the first year I did foodplots up there. Now they're used to getting field forage vs just woods browse only. Hairy vetch is used in new zealand for sheep forage.
I bet, given what you've shared so far, your farmer limed it long ago. I think you have options here, so long as you go into it understanding what you're really risking. Reclamation seed is pretty cheap, and a gypsum application at 1250 lbs over 2.5 acres isn't gonna break the bank. If you did gypsum in 31 - 40 lb menards bags:

$300 - gypsum
$60 - 3 bags rye
$50 - 5 pounds YSC
$70 - 5 pounds chicory
$70 - 5 pounds plantain
$30 - 2 pounds ragweed
$580 or $232/ac

Could also fling some balansa and wildflowers in there if you really wanna give it a go, but there's a basic framework for what I'd look at putting on. Adjust as needed for what you've got on hand and what you've already done.

My plan is to focus on building OM. I over seeded last weekend with winter rye. I will be seeding this weekend:
- Yellow sweet clover
- Med red clover
- Chicory
- Ladino clover
- Japanese millet (as a filler in the spreader).
My plan is to focus on building OM. I over seeded last weekend with winter rye. I will be seeding this weekend:
- Yellow sweet clover
- Med red clover
- Chicory
- Ladino clover
- Japanese millet (as a filler in the spreader).

That’s a great blend. Then let it grow all next season until the red clover and YSC turn brown. Then broadcast in more cereals and press it flat. Do not mow it, even if there are weeds.

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