Pics taken from the house

Late summer bachelor group feeding so not the action of Catscratch's video, but some nice healthy young bucks for FL and few turkeys thrown in too. Filmed from my bedroom window.

Those are some nice bucks. Nice job on the video, too. Thanks for sharing.

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Late summer bachelor group feeding so not the action of Catscratch's video, but some nice healthy young bucks for FL and few turkeys thrown in too. Filmed from my bedroom window.

I've always heard that Florida has small bucks! Those sure aren't what I expected.
What's in your foodplot? They are going to town on it!
Few pics taken from the house. Lots of other wildlife pic (birds, snakes, gators, etc) shared in my "Florida Destiny" land tour thread. Apologies to those who've already seen them for the repeat share.

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I think you guys live in dang nice places!!

Great pictures, and thanks for taking the time to post them....
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I've always heard that Florida has small bucks! Those sure aren't what I expected.
What's in your foodplot? They are going to town on it!

Hate to admit my ignorance, but nothing I planted / something they just loved growing along a drainage ditch running along a road from our home to pond.

As for small bucks in FL, well... few more pics of one of the bucks in the video and others that I've caught on camera over the past 3 years...

Guess I should add my place is in North Florida... darn close to being South Georgia... deer vary in size a good deal in our region. Blessed to have blind-luck picked a place that lies near a relatively fertile river system. Tall racked buck in the first video and set of pictures grew without a finger lifted on my part / hadn't yet done any planting (have now). Challenge hunting them on my place is that my acreage is long and narrow and they use it more as a pass through / I don't have tons of bedding area to hold them. Enough does like hanging around that bucks visit, but often in the very wee hours of the night... during hunting season specifically. Outside hunting season, usually have one nice bachelor group that calls it home for the summer.

Not quite the quality of the really older big boys, but did shoot this one first sit of gun season. Buck and I go back a ways and story shared in my tour thread on the harvest -- sadly was delayed in finding him. But at least glad bear and coyotes hadn't done damage to the rack.

Here's a link to my land tour thread (actually lots of random nature pics) for any who haven't seen it and might be interested.
Great pics guys! Keep them coming.
This guy came through this morning.

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Awesome pictures! I just sold my house in the city and bought 39 acres out in the sticks and am looking forward to viewing and picture taking of wildlife on the place.
Awesome pictures! I just sold my house in the city and bought 39 acres out in the sticks and am looking forward to viewing and picture taking of wildlife on the place.
God bless you! Hope you have a great life in your new paradise.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Those Florida pics are beautiful, I'm loving the landscape. I've always heard that area didn't produce big deer. I stand corrected!
Awesome pictures! I just sold my house in the city and bought 39 acres out in the sticks and am looking forward to viewing and picture taking of wildlife on the place.

It's a life changer! Congrats to you and enjoy it. Looking forward to your own pics showing up here someday.
Those Florida pics are beautiful, I'm loving the landscape. I've always heard that area didn't produce big deer. I stand corrected!
New fella just popped up and I captured this footage this morning from my bedroom window. And of course it was (to the subject of this thread) filmed from my house as I rushed to get ready for work and was armed with camera / not a rifle. It's almost like he knew he was safe and kept teasing me with broadside statuesque pose after statuesque pose just BEGGING for a kill shot to be taken. Hope he hangs around for a few more days.

Love to hear what anyone thinks on age and score. Not as pot-bellied fat as some other older bucks I've caught on camera and for lack of better words kind of has a "baby face" look, yet old enough not to look as long-legged as our younger deer and hardware is pretty darn nice for our area too. Still... looks like he's entering his prime versus exiting it, so again very curious on age / score predictions.

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New fella just popped up and I captured this footage this morning from my bedroom window. And of course it was (to the subject of this thread) filmed from my house as I rushed to get ready for work and was armed with camera / not a rifle. It's almost like he knew he was safe and kept teasing me with broadside statuesque pose after statuesque pose just BEGGING for a kill shot to be taken. Hope he hangs around for a few more days.

Love to hear what anyone thinks on age and score. Not as pot-bellied fat as some other older bucks I've caught on camera and for lack of better words kind of has a "baby face" look, yet old enough not to look as long-legged as our younger deer and hardware is pretty darn nice for our area too. Still... looks like he's entering his prime versus exiting it, so again very curious on age / score predictions.

Nice! I'd guess he's 4.5 and the short tines would keep his score down...maybe low to mid 120's??
I have to learn how you guys post videos.

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LOL pictures where from last January!
LOL pictures where from last January!
Did you find any sheds from those bucks?

Cool. What's all that white stuff on the ground? Did you put down to much lime? Haha

I want to know what he put UNDER the snow... Looks like it's attractive!