Second house “camp”

If you've never owned two places, just as an FYI, you only get the homestead exemption on your primary house. That can mean a big difference depending on where you are.

I have a neighbor on one acre in the NW corner next to my 40. He likes to blare music, mess with firewood, get drunk and have campfires during deer season. His f*****g dog also comes outside and non stop barks sometimes. Another neighbor on 10 acres a couple hundred feet west from my line used to let his f*****g dogs run all over the woods and chase deer and the non stop barking. Another neighbor half mile away had their f******g dogs running all over chasing deer in my woods.

I get lots of "road hunters" slow rolling by my 40 daily. Neighbor on the eastern border brings out all kinds of dumb f****rs to fill as many tags as they can buy. I pretty much hate all my neighbors and their stupid f*****g dogs. I hate to even hunt my land cause there is very little peace and quiet. I often flee deep into the Chippewa National Forrest looking for a little solitude and rest. It sucks being surrounded by selfish assholes on all sides.
Check with your tax man but you may be able to rent it for 1 weekend and claim as business like a rental.I know guys that sell one rick of firewood to get lower property taxes. By the way I just signed a purchase agreement on a modular home and metal building that came up for sell that butts my property. I didn't want to chance riffraff moving in.Last person lived there burnt me out twice burning trash. Wasn't planned but I saw them cleaning it out and asked bought next day and now we just have to fix up and I will rent to someone I can trust. Did I mention that I only live 10 minutes from my land and I also got to pay for part of this with money their insure paid me for tree damage.You will be lucky to ever buy land that attaches to your existing property. So far I have been lucky 4 times.Yes show pics,I also bet your family will like going more
If you rent it, your insurance may be higher