I have a neighbor on one acre in the NW corner next to my 40. He likes to blare music, mess with firewood, get drunk and have campfires during deer season. His f*****g dog also comes outside and non stop barks sometimes. Another neighbor on 10 acres a couple hundred feet west from my line used to let his f*****g dogs run all over the woods and chase deer and the non stop barking. Another neighbor half mile away had their f******g dogs running all over chasing deer in my woods.
I get lots of "road hunters" slow rolling by my 40 daily. Neighbor on the eastern border brings out all kinds of dumb f****rs to fill as many tags as they can buy. I pretty much hate all my neighbors and their stupid f*****g dogs. I hate to even hunt my land cause there is very little peace and quiet. I often flee deep into the Chippewa National Forrest looking for a little solitude and rest. It sucks being surrounded by selfish assholes on all sides.