Pics taken from the house

Great thread Tap
That's impressive. How many acres is your property? You have a ton of deer there, but it sounds like a lot of them get wounded by neighbors.
I only have 31 acres, but the neighbor on one side has 83...we kinda manage it as one property.

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That's impressive to have that much action on a property that size. I figured you were going to say your place was 700 acres or something like that. Are the deer numbers that high in your entire neighborhood or is there something that makes your property more desirable than the neighboring properties?
Great pics and stories! The pics wouldn't be half as cool without the tails to go with them.
That's impressive to have that much action on a property that size. I figured you were going to say your place was 700 acres or something like that. Are the deer numbers that high in your entire neighborhood or is there something that makes your property more desirable than the neighboring properties?

This part of Pa does have a lot of deer and turkeys, but we also have an incredible amount of hunting pressure so certain properties tend to hold more game. I treat my place extremely easy. I only hunt it when things are right (which ain't often) and I go to great lengths to not disturb it.
The stand I shot my buck this year is only about 300 yards from my door. It's an easy walk but there's no way to get there without wrecking the place. So I get in my truck and drive 1 mile and then walk back 1/2 mile through the woods in order to not blow deer out of my plots in the dark. It took me quite a few years to realize how to hunt it.
Meanwhile, on some of the neighboring properties, hunters walk in and out through the fields twice a day. Those properties are ruined by the middle of October.

And keep in mind, those pics I posted were taken over the course of several years. these aren't from one season.
Great pics and stories! The pics wouldn't be half as cool without the tails to go with them.
Thanks Cat.
Thanks. I'm anxious to see some pics from other guys.
I'm a little embarrassed to post my house pics. Not nearly as good as Tap's but I'll contribute anyway.



Thanks. I'm anxious to see some pics from other guys.
I'm a little embarrassed to post my house pics. Not nearly as good as Tap's but I'll contribute anyway.



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I'm a little embarrassed to post my house pics. Not nearly as good as Tap's but I'll contribute anyway.



I'm a little embarrassed to post my house pics. Not nearly as good as Tap's but I'll contribute anyway.



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Hard to tell but it looks like a nice variety of duck species there.
Am I seeing Blue wing teal, Widgeon, mallard, maybe Shoveler?
Are those pics from your home? Wish I had a pond like that.

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Nice pix Tap !! Thanks for sharing. 2 things: Our camp has a bunch of turkeys too, and we don't feed them - they just forage our fields and woods. But they do get pretty " tame " - I think from seeing us around the camp all year planting plots, etc. They come and sit on the telephone poles we use as knee-high parking bumpers around the parking area. They walk thru our lawn at about 15 ft. off the back patio. A flock of 17 walked just ahead of me on one occasion thru the lawn and out into the orchard. No running or flying away. I wonder what gets into them sometimes. Crazy !!

The pix of the kestrel are really cool !! That had to be a big shock as it flew TOWARD you.
Something I forgot to mention when I looked at the mange pic of the deer - we have a bear with mange and it looks really bad. We saw it several times during archery season at camp. One member called the Game Commission and asked if we could put it down, and they also said " NO ". We walked up on it lying in the sun ( I suppose trying to keep warm with so little fur ) and got to about 6 ft. away before it tried to get up. It staggered away and went 30 ft. or so before stopping and looking back at us. It didn't want to move, we could tell that. It'll either die of infection or freeze to death this winter from lack of fur. I hate to see things like that - I wish the PGC would let us shoot animals like that to put them out of their misery. Sad end for that bear is coming ...... slowly.
Something I forgot to mention when I looked at the mange pic of the deer - we have a bear with mange and it looks really bad. We saw it several times during archery season at camp. One member called the Game Commission and asked if we could put it down, and they also said " NO ". We walked up on it lying in the sun ( I suppose trying to keep warm with so little fur ) and got to about 6 ft. away before it tried to get up. It staggered away and went 30 ft. or so before stopping and looking back at us. It didn't want to move, we could tell that. It'll either die of infection or freeze to death this winter from lack of fur. I hate to see things like that - I wish the PGC would let us shoot animals like that to put them out of their misery. Sad end for that bear is coming ...... slowly.
When I called the game comm about this deer, they seemed to say that with deer, mange isn't a serious threat to the animal, but they said it WAS a serious threat with bear.

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Hard to tell but it looks like a nice variety of duck species there.
Am I seeing Blue wing teal, Widgeon, mallard, maybe Shoveler?
Are those pics from your home? Wish I had a pond like that.

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You are probably right on all of them, we get a great variety of ducks! We love the pond. Saved 20 yrs to build a house just so that we could see it every day. It has many views and it never ceases to amaze me.

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Storms are some of my favorite times to watch out the window.

This doe and her two fawns spent all summer and fall in the yard plots. She has done a good job of raising them.

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The kids are learning to stalk, even from in the house :)

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Tap, I figured this thread would take off but it's kind of quiet.
My wife took this video from the living room last yr. I've posted it a few times in different threads but it fits here to. Maybe others will find some pics...
Tap, I figured this thread would take off but it's kind of quiet.
My wife took this video from the living room last yr. I've posted it a few times in different threads but it fits here to. Maybe others will find some pics...

I can't believe she went into the water to get away. Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess!

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Tap, I figured this thread would take off but it's kind of quiet.
My wife took this video from the living room last yr. I've posted it a few times in different threads but it fits here to. Maybe others will find some pics...

Fantastic video! Thanks for sharing it. I've seen bucks doing some crazy things in the water, but I've never witnessed a chase scene like that. Ya gotta feel bad for females of several species in mating season. Drake ducks are brutal. It's a gang rape on hens.
Yeah, I thought there would be more interest in this thread, too...oh well.
Late summer bachelor group feeding so not the action of Catscratch's video, but some nice healthy young bucks for FL and few turkeys thrown in too. Filmed from my bedroom window.
