Steve, notice I said, IMO ( in my opinion ) I would like to see anyone come to my place and hinge cut 10 poplars. I bet your success rate would be 30%. I have hinge cut thousands of trees and poplars ( soft mass wood ) are both dangerous and unpredictable. You call it someone ones level of experience.......I call it making the best use of a tree specie. aspen populars shoot out thousands of stems from the root system when the tree is cut at ground level. The more aspen poplars you cut the more regrowth you have. All forestors recommend clear cutting aspen poplars for optimal growth. The bigger the cut of aspen forest, the better optimal regrowth. Higher deer densities can impact smaller regrowths ( 3 acres or under) the bigger clear cut the better in higher deer density areas. Hingeing poplars is virtually worthless in a area where high stem count is needed.
I cant wait to post some pictures of the 26 acre clear cut we had done. This area will be a deer magnet in 2 years. I personally think hinge cutting is over " hyped " at times. The biggest bucks in the record bucks were shot off land with no improvements .......Steve not directing anything towards you, just my honest thoughts.
KS, 1st no worries. You are every bit as entitled to your opinion as I am mine. I'll never be thinned skinned enough to get bugged by someone having a differing opinion than mine. It's a good thing when others do, as that leads to a lot more learning for me (and I'd have to believe others, as well) than when 2 completely agree, and I'm sure not arrogant enough to believe I'm always right, anyway.
Actually, though, I think we agree more on this than disagree, anyway. I actually gave myself a little less of a success rate than you (I wrote 25%, you say 30%), but close enough for agreement on that. I'll at least go so far as to say that I feel they are considerably more dangerous and unpredictable hinging than many other trees, which, with your nudging, I hoped I stressed enough (the thanks was sincere). I also agree that if pure regrowth is my goal, clear cutting is better. I often suggest and use clear cuts of poplar, as there are many pluses to that approach. Though you may not have wrote it, I also suspect that we agree that clear cuts aren't always the right answer and can provide "too much of a good thing.".
Where we start to diverge is that you may like them more than I do. I LOVE them "in 2 years," but not so much in 10+. Sure, if you do a constant rotation, you can keep a percent in that "year 2" state, and I most often do that, but it's a ton of work (not that most things we do aren't) and a whole bunch of people don't have the ground and volume of poplars to do it. Even when they do, I'd rather offer more diversity than one can get with clear cutting them alone.
Take the ground Art referred to Brooks and I doing bedding area and "sidewalk" videos on in the big woods thread in the Gen section. It's just over 800 acres. We also did 5 clear cuts on the place. So, we have a combo of clear cut and hinge work done. I don't see it as an either or. I see it as 2 tools which can be used together or apart.